Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

OMgosh, someone lost a HECK of a dog! He's perfect. He's healthy, young (maybe 2 years or less, I'd say) , sits, shakes, knows "down", is about 77 lbs. I couldn't pet him because he's in quarantine until the 28th but someone lost a wonderful, stunning Shepherd. He ran to the door and reared up to the glass when he saw me and would have been in my arms if they'd have opened that door. He was a well-cared for animal and someone has to be missing him. A guy who was in there asked if he'd been picked up wearing a red collar. He was. He said he saw him running loose in NORTH CAROLINA, not my county in GA (which abuts NC). If that is true, he traveled a decent distance to get over the line.

I'm back and the carport folks haven't even called yet. Good grief.
OMgosh, someone lost a HECK of a dog! He's perfect. He's healthy, young (maybe 2 years or less, I'd say) , sits, shakes, knows "down", is about 77 lbs. I couldn't pet him because he's in quarantine until the 28th but someone lost a wonderful, stunning Shepherd. He ran to the door and reared up to the glass when he saw me and would have been in my arms if they'd have opened that door. He was a well-cared for animal and someone has to be missing him. A guy who was in there asked if he'd been picked up wearing a red collar. He was. He said he saw him running loose in NORTH CAROLINA, not my county in GA (which abuts NC). If that is true, he traveled a decent distance to get over the line.

I'm back and the carport folks haven't even called yet. Good grief.
Well, will he be coming to your house?
Well, will he be coming to your house?

Probably not, with my luck. They want you to fill out an application and pay a fee, but I'd have to get DH on board. The founder of the HS is my realtor and she would recommend me, give me a boost over other folks who might apply, but DH is an obstacle. He doesn't want his heart broken again. I have a feeling he's fine with me going to adoption days and getting my "dog petting fix" but he'll balk at really taking the plunge. Plus, this one would have to do a visit (which they will do for me) to see how he reacts to Finn and the chickens. I will not have a dog who is a danger to my chickens and since we have zero history on him, we have no idea about that. He didn't react to puppies and cats at the HS, they say, but that doesn't mean the same as not reacting with a chicken runs across in front of him or a cat hisses at him and whaps him in the face.
The last dog we lost in 2012, a month after my beloved Suede passed away. This is Kes, for Trekkies, you know the Kes character, the Ocampa. She was scared of fireworks or something and had to be in someone's lap that day, not easy for a dog who usually weighed close to 70 lbs.

And with Cody, who was 3 years older than she was and died at the age of 12.

Probably not, with my luck. They want you to fill out an application and pay a fee, but I'd have to get DH on board. The founder of the HS is my realtor and she would recommend me, give me a boost over other folks who might apply, but DH is an obstacle. He doesn't want his heart broken again. I have a feeling he's fine with me going to adoption days and getting my "dog petting fix" but he'll balk at really taking the plunge. Plus, this one would have to do a visit (which they will do for me) to see how he reacts to Finn and the chickens. I will not have a dog who is a danger to my chickens and since we have zero history on him, we have no idea about that. He didn't react to puppies and cats at the HS, they say, but that doesn't mean the same as not reacting with a chicken runs across in front of him or a cat hisses at him and whaps him in the face.
These are the reasons I always go with a puppy, plus I keep a pack of girls, bringing in an unknown adult wouldn't work, but I applaud all that do give homes to the adult dogs in the shelters.
These are the reasons I always go with a puppy, plus I keep a pack of girls, bringing in an unknown adult wouldn't work, but I applaud all that do give homes to the adult dogs in the shelters.

Puppies are adopted quickly. There is good and bad with starting with a puppy. You can start out by putting the fear of chickens into a pup, training it from the start. The bad is unless it's a known pure breed, you don't know what's in the mix, not really, no matter what it looks like (Cody was a boxer x retriever with Sheltie somewhere in there, a litter someone owned and knew for sure about, but no one would guess that most of the time). You don't really know how large it will get or if there is something in there that is a breed really bad with chickens like a Husky. One of the fosters at the HS has cats, other dogs and chickens and I love when she has a dog so it gets tested, but she's on a cruise now and Duke is in quarantine anyway.

To me, this dog appears to be a pure long coated Shepherd. He has clean beautiful teeth which I saw when he was panting and bright eyes and a nice coat. He just glows health. He's great on leash and they love him at the HS so far but other than that, he's a mystery.
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No one showed yesterday, no one called.

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