Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

That sucks that you busted your CD player at least the radio works. Your pens are really coming along, and congrats on getting more oops paint.
My back is so stiff right now and my right hand is swollen and stiff so I can't make a fist. We pushed for six hours today. I'm not sure we'll be able to work tomorrow. Maybe it will have to wait until Monday. Have to clean a little in the house. Peanutsmomma is coming to visit briefly on Tuesday before she goes back to Alabama and I've neglected the house in favor of barn construction and quiltmaking so there's probably an inch of dust on every surface. At least my craft room is clean because I rearranged it again a couple of days ago.
I think the Soothing Green Tea should have been called Exorcist Pea Green
I think the Soothing Green Tea should have been called Exorcist Pea Green
I know, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw it, LOL.

Haha reminds me a little bit of pea soup but I was thinking of doing a similar color in my garage because I can't stand the look of plywood.
Yes, it sure does. Most of it will be on the floor and covered by shavings, though, and it will go probably over a sage green or a sunny yellow flat paint that will be sprayed on first, as long as my ten gallons of that paint stretches far enough to cover the floors as well as the walls. I'm not exactly sure what shade of green it will all end up, but hey, it will be a surprise that you'll find out about not long after I do!
We ran out of lumber so have to get more before we can build the last two pens in the new barn, but in the meantime, we can do roosts and nests and other things that don't require 8' boards. We got the large pen that is sandwiched between the two 5x8's on the back side done, at least as far as framing, but have only one board left. I can't scavenge any 2x4s until Xander has vacated that other coop, though. May have to do another order though I hate to pay that crazy delivery charge again. I knew we'd need more than DH was going to order but seems we need even more than we did order plus the 5 extras they sent us. I wonder if I can get a few 8' boards into my CRV and hang the excess out the window, lol. Gosh, I miss my truck!
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It is a pain when you run out of the materials needed for a project, what you have done looks great.
Sure is, isn't it? But, we'll do the smaller projects and clean up the rest of the work area until we can get more. May try to rent a Home Depot truck if they still do that. Should be cheaper than delivery, as long as they honor the military discount for the lumber, which they sometimes do not. We need more fencing anyway for the garden and the large pen that will surround the barn.

ETA: I'll photograph the progress when we clean up some stuff.
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Always need extra lumber around. We have several wet days expected, rained half of today but was quite warm. I really want this barn ready to occupy before the first week of March is over, even though the big attached pen will not be done.

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