Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

:frow Hello!

Finished reading the thread and high-five to you for surviving the ordeal! Am properly jealous of your new barn too. Now that you're taking down the other coops, do you wish you had used screws or would that have just a big a pain as the nails?

Finished reading the thread and high-five to you for surviving the ordeal! Am properly jealous of your new barn too. Now that you're taking down the other coops, do you wish you had used screws or would that have just a big a pain as the nails?

Welcome to my thread, thanks for joining us. HA, there were screws, some even in the shingles! There was a mix of screws and nails both, and many types of nails as well. The thing is, when we moved here, it was an estate. The children of the man who died left a lot of his supplies-he was a woodworker, a lover of Japanese/Chinese cuisine, etc, so there were thousands of screws, nails, brads, some unidentifiable things, Chinese herbs and spices in the kitchen, etc. We used what was available to us from his supplies for the most part, to construct this first building we put up almost 14 years ago.

Going back and forth removing screws, then nails, then screws, was pretty much a PITA anyway, going from hammer to crowbar to electric screwdriver, etc. There was no easy way to demolish this building!

This photo says a lot about what we've done since we lived here. Behind this garden spot is where our new barn is now. Doesn't even look like the same place, does it?

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I forgot to tell you guys that the man who delivered our propane said he had close to 20 chickens stolen, all in one day, every one of them. He figures they were either eaten or taken to the auction. Makes me SO glad that this barn has locks on both doors and a baby monitor inside to boot. I wasn't able to really secure the other coops to my satisfaction. Chicken thieves are everywhere, it seems. They steal photos on Ebay (just had one stolen and they even watermarked it with their own watermark-to sell Ameraucana hatching eggs) and they steal the actual birds.

It would kill me if someone took my birds, some more than others. I'm not far from having some new, fresh stock that is quite valuable in there, too, so may do even more to secure it.
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Aren't you pretty far from road with gate across bottom of drive?

Do you know this guy at all, is he your regular deliverer?.......that would make me nervous and glad to have locks too.
Where are those human aggressive roosters when they are needed? That's so sad, that's why I don't sell anything anymore, can't trust folks like you used to.
Aren't you pretty far from road with gate across bottom of drive?

Do you know this guy at all, is he your regular deliverer?.......that would make me nervous and glad to have locks too.
We've only had two deliveries since the original one in 2013 so I'm not sure if it's the same guy. The driveway is 200 ft, then you have to go past the house, down past the other coops, through a gate to get to the barn...if you come by way of the driveway. The power line easement road goes by one side of the property and someone would have to go over or cut the perimeter livestock fencing then go to a gate into the barn pen and then get into the locked barn itself. There is a Beware of Dog sign on the drive gate. The guy said to DH, "We didn't open the gate because we didn't know if the dog was loose." DH told him that he was locked up. So, he does believe we have a dog roaming the place, though we are "between dogs" right now. Could be one here any day, though, you just never know.

Where are those human aggressive roosters when they are needed? That's so sad, that's why I don't sell anything anymore, can't trust folks like you used to.
Yeah, right? Remember Nugget, that dinosaur rooster that Kate Livingston out in New Mexico had? He sure got him some guy one night, blood all over the place. I'm hoping soon to be hatching some excellent quality Brahmas, yea! They are usually good-tempered roosters, but man, those are quite, shall we say, statuesque? If some guy came face to face with a 3' tall rooster, you think he'd hesitate, right? Not sure where I'll put a Brahma male, but we shall see. Would be a shame to not keep one of those big beauties with the stock mine would come from.

ETA: It was WriterofWords (Kate) and this story.
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Thanks that was an interesting read, not a rooster I would want to come across at night, or a scene I would want to come home to.
Thanks that was an interesting read, not a rooster I would want to come across at night, or a scene I would want to come home to.
Sadly, Nugget passed away a few years ago from injuries when a fence fell on him or something, can't recall the details. He sure was a big guy, quite the defender.

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