Built a "chick introducer" in my run.


Apr 26, 2022
Canada, BC
Build this "chick introducer" in my chicken run out of all reclaimed materials aside from the screws and hinges. The frame came on a shipping pallet which was also used as the base.




^ Here is my dog doing some predator testing!






The shelf is out front to treat the big hens along with the chicks so they can "eat together" through the chicken wire.

Seems to be working so far, this will be the chicks first night outside!
I appreciate the reassurance, I'm just a bit nervous so I was going to leave it on at night for them for a few hours.

It's about 5-6C (41) here at night and that heat lamp is a 175w bulb rather than the common 250w.
There fully featherd out. Plenty of down feathers to keep them warm. They will be fine. I remember my first flock. I was up twice a night when I put them in the coop for a week, lol.
I have a photo-cell (light) controlled electrical outlet that controls the heat lamp, last night and tonight its set to run dusk til dawn, then I'll set it to run for 8 hours 2 nights in a row, then 4 hours, then 2, and finally will just remove the lamp altogether.
So will it run early in the night, letting them go to sleep with it on and then turning off later?
That would leave them without it just when the night is coldest before dawn.

Or will it run later in the night, so they have the heat during the coldest hours just before dawn? But then it will probably wake them up when it turns on, and they will think it is morning and get up, instead of staying snuggly on their perch until the sun comes up.

If you want to "wean" them off the lamp, I would change the position of the lamp, rather than the hours it is running. Move it as far above them as possible, run it for another night or two, and then remove it entirely. Or else I would switch to a smaller bulb, and then a smaller one, and then remove it.
Here is a night time shot!

I know people agreed that they no longer need supplemental heat but I will ween them off now since I've been providing it rather than cutting it off.

I have a photo-cell (light) controlled electrical outlet that controls the heat lamp, last night and tonight its set to run dusk til dawn, then I'll set it to run for 8 hours 2 nights in a row, then 4 hours, then 2, and finally will just remove the lamp altogether.

This chick-introducer isn't 101% wind proof so they are still getting used to drafts and we are having some cold windy storms this weekend.

Bonus night time shot! Fun glow... (Big hens roosting above enjoying some of the escaping bonus heat!


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