Built New Roost, Hens are Scared!!


8 Years
May 2, 2011
My 5 older hens have been roosting on the same thing all their life. Its a Superyard playyard for toddlers and puppies. I kept them in it when there were chicks and just moved it out to the old boat shed, now hen house. They are 3 yr old, and I now have 7 buff orp chicks Im growing up and got the bright idea to build a new roost out of 2X4's and move out the playyard. We put a 2 X 4 across the end on two levels. Im was right proud of myself. I moved out the old 'roost' and when it was time for the hens to go to bed, they didnt want to go in. I have put out fresh hay and filled up their next with fresh hay. They finally went in but just stood in the corner on a shelf. Today I let them out about 8:30, and they were mighty glad to get out! One trotted around the yard for over an hour clucking and trying to decide where she was gonna lay. In the hen house, out, in the dog house, out, round and round we went. I put a wooden egg in the box and even put her in the box and she ran out like a ruptured duck! Finally did lay her egg in the nest. AFTER I put the old roost back in the house, but it wont fit in there like before, and its not sturdy. So tonight they finally went in and got on the old roost after crawling all over the new boards.
My question is: Will they ever adjust? Should I have not done this?

pam in TX
In my limited chicken experience, they will adjust. Chickens are afraid of any change but eventually they just "forget" there was a change.

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