Bully cage size


9 Years
Jul 16, 2014
Norman, OK, USA
A few years ago I dealt with a bully by putting her in a cage in the run for x number of days, and it really helped. But since I just added a larger run this summer, I wonder if I can have my current bully just stay in the adjoining coop with a 10f ft long run that's entirely visible to the rest of the flock - separated by hardware cloth? And then when the others get to go into the yard she doesn't? Or is it better to stick with the cage in the main run where everyone else would be just feet or inches from her? Does it seem to matter?
Well, it's time to try it out, now that everyone has been fully integrated and Golda is not showing signs of letting up. I'd rather she not miss a beat of physical activity while she's segregated, so I'm going to keep her in that adjoining coop and run. If memory serves, I should also leave her in her run when I let the others out into the chicken yard during the early evenings, is that right?
AND, Maybe I should clarify: Once the bully's stint is done in that partitioned run, my plan is to open it to give way to the larger enclosure, so that everyone will be sharing both spaces every day. If it seems she ends up becoming territorial about that space, I'll have to try a cage instead. Fingers crossed that won't be necessary. :hmm

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