Bully rooster!


Apr 12, 2018
My friend asked me earlier tonight why her new rooster was only picking on one of her hens. I didn't have an answer for her I just told her to separate that hen from the rest so he doesn't hurt her. Is it a show of dominance? Maybe she is slightly smaller than the other hens? I didn't ask if she was smaller because I was certain she got all her hens at the same time. Is this common? He is new to the flock. Maybe a pecking order type of thing? She told me he was holding her down and pecking at her head.
More than likely a pecking order issue, especially if he's new. It's also likely that he's doing it to all of them (at least some of the time) as well if he's the only roo, although roos do pick favorites. Has your friend had experience with roos before? Chicken courtship and mating is not anything remotely close to graceful. The behavior described sounds similar to a roo mounting a hen--latching onto the upper neck and climbing on. If he is indeed being too rough, I would advise separating him out for a while rather than the other hen.
The hens are 3-4 months old I'm thinking. 5 at the most. She has had roosters before. Lots of roosters but she has never had a problem rooster before. He's the only one right now.
The hens are 3-4 months old I'm thinking. 5 at the most. She has had roosters before. Lots of roosters but she has never had a problem rooster before. He's the only one right now.
Then I certainly agree with aart. Not good. Over aggression towards people and other birds should never be tolerated. Remove him for a while and try again. He is still young and likely very hormonal, but if he is persistently aggressive to the point she's worried about the safety of her other birds, I'd seriously consider replacing him.
That is not good. Remove the male, not the female...

Clearly your friend's rooster is one of those entitled men chickens. :smack

What your friend is really seeing is a young cockerel who is trying to make it to the top of the pecking order which is where ALL flock roosters live. The target of this agression is obviously not on the same page as the rest of the hens in your friend's flock, and like the Japanese say the nail that raises its head gets pounded down.
Clearly your friend's rooster is one of those entitled men chickens. :smack

What your friend is really seeing is a young cockerel who is trying to make it to the top of the pecking order which is where ALL flock roosters live. The target of this agression is obviously not on the same page as the rest of the hens in your friend's flock, and like the Japanese say the nail that raises its head gets pounded down.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Maybe it’s because he’s young, Young roosters are often aggressive towards the hens while he’s sorting out his place in the pecking order. Normally these young roos will become more polite when as they grow up to be big roos.

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