

In the Brooder
May 2, 2023
So I have a mixed variety of breeds I know the pecking order and my silky was at the bottom of it. She was good for a few months then she got injured. I took her out for a couple of weeks so she could heal when I put her back in the two top of the order hands just pounced on her and started packing her neck until it was bleeding and have a big gash in it. Now I took her out and she’s in her own crate to heal. Is there any hope or do I need to relocate her to a new home? Honestly, she’s my favorite. And I feel so bad for her.
I have a 4 x 4 enclosed area inside the pen that they can see each other but can’t touch each other. She was in there for four days and then when I let them out in the yard, my Silkie was all by yourself, but they, for the most part left her alone.

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