Bullying or normal behavior??


6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
Ok, we have 6 babies who are 4 weeks, one baby who is about 7 or 8 weeks, and two young bantams (not sure the age but they are pretty much fully feathered and I just heard one, most likely the D'uccle, trying to crow). We have the two bantams in the coop already and I feel like our RIR who is 7 or 8 weeks is probably almost ready to go out as soon as the temps warm up just a bit at night (we're in North GA so getting pretty warm during the day). I tried introducing her to the bantams just to see how they would do, the frizzle who we think is a pullet didn't come out to see her but our D'uccle started chasing her and pecking at her. Is this normal chicken behavior or is it a good sign that they're not going to get a long? I really like our little D'uccle roo but I can't have him attacking all our young hens and I don't want to have to keep them in the garage until they're full size! :p
Normal chicken behavior - it's called the pecking order for a reason. You will be better off introducing all of the newcomers to the bantams at the same time. Wait until they are all bigger than the D'uccle. He can't pick at all of them at the same time, and perhaps one will whip his butt. Chicken society is frequently/generally cruel. Think 'mean girls' in high school.
Ok, thanks for the reply! lol I guess I'm just afraid of him killing one of the babies. I'd really like to get the RIR out there soon since she's getting big but I think you're probably right about putting them all out at once. I'm just anxious to get them out of my garage :p

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