Bullying vs Pecking Order (introducing new birds)


5 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Raleigh, North Carolina
I have two 5 year old hens, and I recently got two 4 month old pullets to add to my flock. It has been 2 weeks and the old hens peck the pullets aggressively anytime they see them. No severe injuries yet, but they’re pulling plenty of feathers and the pullets hide in fear anytime they’re all shut in the coop/run together. I have a safe hiding spot for the pullets in the run with separate food and water. It has been two weeks. Will this hazing period end on its own? Is this normal pecking order behavior, or is it bullying? The new girls aren’t challenging the old hens at all, just cowering and running away whenever they get near them.

More details:

The new pullets were in a separate cage in the run for a week before I put them all together. They old hens stay away from the pullets when they free range, but in the coop and run they will not leave them alone unless they are out of sight hiding. They even peck at them sitting on the roost at night! The run provides 10 sq feet per bird. I haven’t gotten a single egg from my older hens since bringing in the new girls. :(
Basically the pecking order is bullying - sort of like 'mean girls' in high school. It's all about constant reminding of their position in the flock. Given time things should get better, and as long as physical harm is not being done intervention is generally not a good idea. It only tends to extend the integration process. Good luck.

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