Bumble foot


Aug 26, 2016
Skandia, MI.
I have 10 chickens, 2 white leghorns, 4 polish crested, an Isa Brown, a speckled Sussex, and a buff orpington We also just bought 4 more white leghorn, 1 week old.
The polish crested are 1 year old, and I noticed this morning, that one of them is limping. When I looked closer, one of her legs is swollen, from the top of the leg all the way down through her foot.
From what I have heard about bumble foot, I think what she has.
Does anyone know what to do about bumble foot?? Sorry I don't have pictures of her..
heres a bumble foot pic...
I haven't had a chance to catch her and check, but I will do that today. If it has a scab, should I do anything about it, peel it off & clean it out or anything??
I haven't had a chance to catch her and check, but I will do that today. If it has a scab, should I do anything about it, peel it off & clean it out or anything??
If it does than you should soak it in warm water with Epsom salt. If it is really bad ( hurting the hen a lot and is really swollen) you should pull it off and try squeezing out some of the puss. Then clean it off and put some antibacterial cream on it. Wrap it it up. If it isn't really bad than you could try soaking it and putting the cream on it every day. Good luck!

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