In the Brooder
- May 28, 2020
- 17
- 75
- 38
I love my babies and was very upset to discover my Quackers had developed bumblefoot. I've tried everything and it seemed to be getting worse. I was terrified at the thought of having to dip surgery so I tried an old remedy my grandmother taught me. She used it on everything from an absess to cuts. 2 days and they have popped on their own and the swelling has drastically gone down. Like most a long soak in Epsom and warm water. I made the homemade salve put it on heavy and WOW. I used callus disk over the absess and gauze. Vet wrap and very flexible plastic cut like the shape of her foot to make sure her feet kept spread properly. The salve is extremely staining so be careful not to get it on your clothes and wear gloves. Coconut oil, aloe and turmeric. Draws out the infection and brings it to a head. When I squeezed it gently it just popped. Gross part .. it flew allover my face and arms. 2 days her fever is gone and she's walking great