Bumblefoot??--pictures included


8 Years
Jan 15, 2012
One of my hens has a very swollen foot and appears to have a small amount clear discharge coming from it. The base of her toes are also swollen. It looks similar to other photos I've seen of bumble foot but it DOES NOT have a scab. I didnt notice it imediatly becuase she was born with a deformity and always walked with a limp. I soaked it for a few minutes in epsom salt until I get more info and she seemed to like it. Any suggestions??

It looks more like swelling all over her foot rather than the bumblefoot I've experienced. However, I'm not an expert on it by any means! I know there are internal issues that will cause swelling in the feet/legs. Someone else??
It looks more like swelling all over her foot rather than the bumblefoot I've experienced. However, I'm not an expert on it by any means! I know there are internal issues that will cause swelling in the feet/legs. Someone else??
Thanks for the advice. I will try to research more about that and soak it again. Anyone else have an idea??

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