Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

Well, think of it as time away from a man who's just had surgery.  You know how needy men are!!!!

I have the exception to the rule. This man hardly ever wants my help and hates, hates, being taken care of, or waited on. He hates being helpless and will often make unwise choices just so he doesn't have to ask someone to do something for him. He fustrates me to no end. Surgery tommorow with a long recovery time in store and I'm going to have to watch him like a hawk because he is going to push the envelope.

All that said, today was my surgery day. Chicken wise that is. I went and checked the flock and I had a total of six more birds to take care of plus the one I took care of three days ago, but had to get the bandages changed. Looked like wounds were healing pretty well on her. Still some swelling visable though. The tip of the toe with the hide peeled off still doesn't look great or healed so I guess i will continue with liquid bandaid on that.
Three of them didn't look terribly bad so I just soaked them and gave them PenG shots. I will try to do that for the next two days between runs to the hospital. I'm hoping they are healing themselves because I really didn't have the time or have the space to operate and house them. The other three all needed surgery. Of course they didn't have just one foot involved, they had to have both. :rolleyes:
So, since husband was running around trying to get lawn mowed and weedeated today and our heater for winter fixed, I had to spend all day tending to the bumble foot alone. While one soaked in the bucket, I would do the surgery on another. A towel came in handy since I didn't have my chicken holder available. Just as well. All he ever does is gripe about them when I ask him to hold one for me. It was slow and tortureous for me as well as the chickens, but they were generally good patients. I found some didn't have much of anything under those scabs. One girl did though. Got the plug and pus and some small little white seedy looking things. I knew she had been hurting because I saw she would favor that foot while standing.
I went ahead and put that poultice BigBird talked about on each of their wounds and bandaged them up. They all also received a PenG shot. So, I doubt I can get them all changed tommorrow,but first chance I get, I will change their bandages.
One thing I did notice that helped was that one of the birds that I had soaked yesterday and put the poultice to was much easier to remove the scab from. Those that just have the espom salt soak today were much more difficult to remove. So, I would also recommend using the poultice wrap for a couple of days prior to doing anything with the scab.
I guess I will see how the wounds heal up with the iodine/sugar poultice wrap on them now.
Okay, my dd and I have done our 1st foot surgery on our Dorothy this morning.....we worked and did not never find a 'plug'...lots of blood, pus and stuff.....no plug...but a huge black scab. Have I caught her in time? I went EXACTLY by the post in the 1st page. I hope I have done this correctly.....I worked and worked....but never found a plug or kernel....we noticed her 1st sitting down all day yesterday, I was gone all day Saturday...we had noticed her 'skipping' a bit the past week....and she had a huge black hard scab on her left foot on bottom. Now to watch and see I guess.............
Okay, my dd and I have done our 1st foot surgery on our Dorothy this morning.....we worked and did not never find a 'plug'...lots of blood, pus and stuff.....no plug...but a huge black scab. Have I caught her in time? I went EXACTLY by the post in the 1st page. I hope I have done this correctly.....I worked and worked....but never found a plug or kernel....we noticed her 1st sitting down all day yesterday, I was gone all day Saturday...we had noticed her 'skipping' a bit the past week....and she had a huge black hard scab on her left foot on bottom. Now to watch and see I guess.............

The black scab is the plug. You have to cut around the black scab and pull it out.
I thought so too. But I get more that I cut a scab out like a plug and there is nothing there and I have to keep working to find the plug. The last one I did I cut around the scab and pulled it out. Some pus. I poultice overnight and the next night I popped a kernel right out. But I thought there was more. After 2 more cuts not finding anything, I re wrapped the poultice and 2 days later there were 2 red bumps forming that I could see and feel. However, the roo was euthanized due to other ailments. I wish it was just a matter of cutting around the scab and pulling the plug out.
I also have had that experience. Sometimes just little white string looking things or just pus. Sometimes nothing. I think these things sometimes resolve on their own. If the pad is not swollen and red, it might be best just to monitor it and see if it resolves itself. Now if there is redness, swelling and especially between the toes, I'd take it out. In the past I would give them about a 20 min warm epsom salt soak then do the work, but now, I will do the iodine/sugar paste poltice for a day first. That really softened that scab up and made it much easier to lift around the edges and pull out. Didn't even need to cut anything. I've seen some scab over again after bandaging for a few days and I lifted those off too and found some clean and one with a little more pus under it. So, I really recommend bandaging with a poultice to draw infection out and then in a day or two, cleaning and re wrapping with just antispectic to heal the wound. Takes a couple of weeks, but seems to work. I also tried a bentonite clay poultice this time around on some of them. I read it is good for drawing out infections, even staph infections.
Oki I'm back with news.
We finally gave up on trying to dig around in the wound, kept bandaging it every day new with Neosporin and iodine and let her be. The swelling went down almost all the way and it has now a black scab on top. We still leave it alone and let it try to heal on its own. She walks almost normal again and don't seem to be in any pain. No more cutting and digging around for me. Yeay!
I've got one that is in pain somehow. There is a black scab but doesn't look or feel hot. Dug in it some and not really find anything conclusive. Tomorrow I am going to put the Epsom salts paste on it and see what that does.
I've got one that is in pain somehow. There is a black scab but doesn't look or feel hot. Dug in it some and not really find anything conclusive. Tomorrow I am going to put the Epsom salts paste on it and see what that does.

Did you already remove the black scab? If you did and the wound is fresh, I don't know if I would put epsom salt in the wound. That would really sting I think, especially if you dug deep enough to draw blood. BigBird recommended a iodine/sugar paste poultice to draw out infection. Easy to make, so I would try that for a day or two, then remove bandages and see if you see any infection. If not, I'd put idodine on it and neosporin and wrap it up again and let it heal and close up. If it's not red and swollen, it's likely going to be okay. Just keep the wound covered until it heals up
No it has closed up and that's what confuses me. It's not even bandaged anymore. She acts like it hurts to put it down. I'm thinking it must still have a kernel inside maybe?

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