Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

Ruth - when you've lanced the abcess on the top of the foot, do you ever get the kernels of infection out that way, as well, or are you basically relieving the pressure and getting out the contents of a blister? I did a bumblefoot surgery at the beginning of the week, and lanced an abcess. I got the majority of the infection, though, out through the pad of her foot.

Do you think I should have dug for the corm like material from the top, too?

I've always wanted to know how to fix this! We had chickens get this frequently growing up, never knew what it was called and never got to see it treated.
THANKS!! I think I'll need it later on when we get more hens, lots of sticker burrs out here. Already dug a few out of the new rooster's foot.
Thanks Cyn - I hope it helps others. I had fully intended to document, with photos, every step but then I got a call my daughter and her new baby were on the way so I forgot all about taking more photos and got in a hurry to finish so I could get ready to see my brand new grandbaby.
The time I got the two kernels out from the top, I did lance from the top and dug them out from the incision. I could actually feel them so I made an incision right over them and they popped right out. Much easier than digging in the pad. Of course, the pad clean out also needs to be done and since the pad is also padded and "meaty" it a tougher call on how much to dig and when to stop. But when you go through the top, it's almost a no brainer because there should not be much of anything in between the toes but a piece of skin.
A good number of my girls seem to have this in the early stages, I'm making a start on it this week to make sure it is really bumblefoot and not just a callous.

This post is realllllyyy helpful!
I am completely in awe! I am new to chickens this year & very gratefully haven't yet had any of these experiences but your very clear instructions & pictures are a great resource. Thanks again!!

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