Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

Well, I'm new to chicken raising, but noticed a couple of mine (out of 16) had what I "thought" were warts on their feet. But one of them was getting so bad, you could tell she didn't want to put pressure on that foot.....so I came here hunting for answers.....and may I say, this thread was MOST informative.....thanks to Ruth and all who have posted here.

So, last night, I got her captive and up to the house. This is what I found....she probably DID have the infection on the bottom of her foot originally, as there was a very small, black dot in the foot center.....but it looked so well "cured" that I decided not to mess with it. The REAL problem were two large growths with a black head on upper sides of the center toe. See pic:

Both sides looked like this:


So, after soaking it in warm water/epsom salt mix, I proceeded to operate. She took it pretty well.....would move around some when I hit a really tender spot, and I'd back off, but eventually I got the first one opened up pretty good and cleaned out. Got that "hard kernel" Ruth mentioned, and a whole lot of cottage cheese looking junk. When it would bleed too much to see, I'd pat it down with paper towels until the bleeding staunched enough to proceed, and got it cleaned of all the white cheesey stuff I could find.

Other side, the black scab popped right out, and pulled the harden kernel with it....not too much cheesey stuff there, but I got all I could see.

Packed as much Triple Bactine antibiotic in the wounds as possible, then bandaged with the stretchy gauge like Ruth shows around the toes, and topped off with a thin strip of tape to hold it. Took her back down the chicken house, and put her on the roost.

This morning, got down there before daylight, flipped on the lights, and she was one of the first off the roost....outside and attacking the scratch I normally throw them in the morning....so she seemed no worse for the wear.

Thanks again, Ruth, for the EXCELLENT info in this thread !
You're welcome. Sounds like you did a great job. And, YES, most often it will swell/grow up between the toes just like you posted. In which case, you do have to clean out the swollen area between the toes. There's no way you could have gotten to it going through the pad. If the pad isn't swollen, there's no need to open it up. I'm guessing the bacteria enters through the bottom of the foot and then either grows in the pad or grows between the toes. Whichever one is swollen is the one that needs to be cleaned out.

Good job and thanks for posting because the more pictures and experience that gets posted, the more the thread can help others.
Great job! It's amazing that she got around with that foot ...wow! I've done a few surgeries but none so gratifying as that must have been
Yes, that is my guess as well.

The infection seemed to "lead" from the spots on the sides of the toe down toward the bottom of the foot pad, so I'm figuring it spread up from an original site there. The bottom of the foot had only a small black dot, and the surrounding tissue looked healthy and pink, so I was not inclined to dig around in it...it looked like it had pretty well healed itself.

Thanks again for the time you put into this thread, it was a very valuable donation on your part, and I'm sure many here appreciate you doing it....I know I sure do. Hope I can return the favor. Need to know how to build anything from a greenhouse to a barn to a house, put up solar panels or about anything in construction, I'm your resource...but chicken raising is new to me.
Well, in looking over our little flock, I find at least 3 more that have this as well. Not to the degree the first one did, but I can definitely see a single "growth" between the toes of them. Guess I'm gonna be operating more, huh ?

Now here is the interesting part.....all of these have been in White Leghorns ( have 9 ), also have 6 Brown Sexlinks and one hen out of a Brown Sexlink/ Cross with I-don't-know-what ( neighbor gave us the mama and single chick last year )...none of these show any sign of bumblefoot.

Do ya'll think White Leghorns have a tendency to develop this ? For almost 1/2 the WL to get this and NONE of the BSL's, sure seems to defy the odds.....

All these hens, with the exception of the BSL mama of the one, are going into their 2nd winter....the one mama is at least another year old.....all will be 2yrs old in the spring. Living conditions are new chicken house 9x10 area for them, and we keep pine chips on the floor, adding to it as they mess it up....clean out about once every 6 month. They have free run of an attached lot about 20x24 + an 10x10 "L" area....but never out of that lot ( have dogs that they wouldn't last long free ranging. )

Feed is all the laying mash they want, about 2 cups scratch grains daily, and all the green stuff we can still give them + cabbage head/day ( Got 100 plants cabbage in the ground/w row cover right now for them to winter over on )

Lot is picked clean to the ground of anything to eat, and I throw planer shavings/sawdust/etc from my wood shop on most of it to keep it from getting muddy.

Anyone got an idea WHY I'm being hit this hard with this ?
New Egg, first of all

I am no expert but would wood chips (sounds like a limerick, LOL) versus shavings have more splinters? Also are the planer shavings sharp? I wouldn't think so but I am reaching here.

I also find your connection of Leghorns being predisposed to having the issue interesting. They are lighter and faster than the others who are all mix breed hens. I can see that if the Leghorns are actually closely related their immune system may not be as good to fight infection as the mix breed hens. Maybe hybrid vigor and a heavier build slows them down enough to not scratch as vigorously as the leghorns. It wouldn't surprise me that their heavy weight makes them have tougher feet.

I'd love to see other's thoughts on this too!
Hey y'all, is this bumblefoot?


I've got to get down to Dallas. Will she be ok until Friday, or should I figure out a way to take her with me?

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