Bumper Stickers and License Plates

How could I forget... my license plate is CHKNGRL.
I forgot about the license plate I see around here:

Yes, Lawrence is a wonderful city. Now go home.

I also love:

Dirt worshipping tree hugger.

If only I could make it say, "Dirt Worshipping, Chicken Kissing Tree Hugger."
Don't Believe Everything You Think!
It's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Rights Anyway
Wanna Get Laid? Crawl Up A Chicken's Butt and Wait.
Life is full of disappointments. Just ask my parents.
Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing it's idiot...
Think! It's not illegal yet!
Sorry, those got kinda political and nasty. But funny.

I can't think of any more right now! At least, not that I can put on a public forum.
I had one on my old truck that said "I can't go to work today; the voices told me to stay home and clean the guns".

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