Bumper Stickers and License Plates

Gertie, we have an Art Car parade May 16th- Art Tougeau (Art To Go)

It's every year, and I always long for my old Art Cars...you should join us!
I think you are too harsh on men....
I once saw a woman broke down on in a busy parking lot. Normally, a woman will only have to sit there for a few minutes before some knight in shining armor comes along and helps her. She was broke down when DH and I went in the store and was still sitting there when we got out. I asked DH if he wanted to go help her. He said, "Nope. Look at her bumper sticker." The bumper sticker said:

Men-ya can't live with 'em and ya can't shoot 'em

I actually saw some of those men she couldn't shoot smile and wave at her her as they drove right on by.
Gertie, I love your car! That is so creative!!

I need BYC magnetic bumper stickers for my car...but I'm not sure they'll stick (I don't do sticker ones). I drive a Saturn Vue, and the majority of it seems to be some sort of plastic.
(I love my Vue, though...).
Thats a good one and it also reminded me of a sticker my uncle has on his Ford Escape.... " If you can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch" !!! I inherited my lead foot from my Uncle
I once saw a woman broke down on in a busy parking lot. Normally, a woman will only have to sit there for a few minutes before some knight in shining armor comes along and helps her. She was broke down when DH and I went in the store and was still sitting there when we got out. I asked DH if he wanted to go help her. He said, "Nope. Look at her bumper sticker." The bumper sticker said:

Men-ya can't live with 'em and ya can't shoot 'em

I actually saw some of those men she couldn't shoot smile and wave at her her as they drove right on by.

well, I guess you can't blame him!

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