Burned up feathers?

well King Kong is feeling better today. he's as pushy as he was before he wrecked himself. I have the hoard in the pool right now. I'll catch him again in an hour or so for some more spray.
well I dunno what happened but the poor guy was beat pretty badly today. he's limping and carrying his right foot a lot. I wiped up a quick pen in the barn and put him and his girl in there. they went right in and settled down. I figure a good nights rest would do him some good without the pressure of the other boys picking on him.
well I dunno what happened but the poor guy was beat pretty badly today. he's limping and carrying his right foot a lot. I wiped up a quick pen in the barn and put him and his girl in there. they went right in and settled down. I figure a good nights rest would do him some good without the pressure of the other boys picking on him.

Oh them boys, it is starting here too, spring is in the air and it's not even Feb. yet. I hope hes going to be alright.. I absolutely hate it when they pick on each other.
well after a night in the barn he is doing better. however the two other boys took after him again today after I got home. Mom seperated them this morning and left them that way all day. I did my chores and opened up all the pens and let them mix for a while. sure enough they started in. had to seperate them again. I swapped out the quick pen for the brooder pen as its easy to clean. just had to add some sheet plywood to keep the big guy in.
Are they messing with him because he's hurt or is it because breeding season is starting up?

well after a night in the barn he is doing better. however the two other boys took after him again today after I got home. Mom seperated them this morning and left them that way all day. I did my chores and opened up all the pens and let them mix for a while. sure enough they started in. had to seperate them again. I swapped out the quick pen for the brooder pen as its easy to clean. just had to add some sheet plywood to keep the big guy in.
I think its a bit of both. he is still fried a bit on the back of his head. I spray the stuff on it when I can catch him every other day or so. doing my best there. the smallest male was doing the most fighting tonight. he is a friendly bugger most days but he is now like Mr. Hyde.
I think its a bit of both. he is still fried a bit on the back of his head. I spray the stuff on it when I can catch him every other day or so. doing my best there. the smallest male was doing the most fighting tonight. he is a friendly bugger most days but he is now like Mr. Hyde.

Might be best to just keep them separate till things die down some, I had to do that with my gander and top Muscovy drake now the drake knows the gander is on top and stays out of his way, maybe till the injured one is completely healed then when you have time see what happens when you can intervene if it gets nasty. They will need to work out the dominance thing but when the gander is well. What I like about the vetericyn is it is so safe it can be sprayed in their eyes and face. and it doesn't sting.

Here is the brooder bin made from a duraliner. its on wheels so it can be rolled in and out of the barn. I added the high sides so as to keep the big birds in. right now it has no gate. I just roll it against the barn door.

Bertha is on the left and Kingkong on the right. if you look you can see the ruffled feathers on the right side of his head. there is still some gaps where he is missing some spots.
if you look close you can see spots on his beak too. the bugger must have fought the wire on the light guard.

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