Burst Artery?


Never say Never
Premium Feather Member
Mar 8, 2022
Hello all! Curious question for those of you who've kept birds- have you ever had an instance where a major artery literally explodes?

We had a 2yr/o canary that had a bad case of scaley mites which we had treated by a vet 2x (revolution and doxycycline). Yesterday I noticed she wasn't getting any better and stayed on the bottom of the cage. After pulling her out, I notice both feet were fairly swollen besides being scaly and all that. She also had a little black dot on her leg which wasn't present before. Tried gently flicking it off thinking it was some dirt, but her leg then literally shot out a stream of blood (think anime movie blood spurts) and despite trying to stem the bleeding she passed away in less than a minute. It was quick. I don't have the money to send her to a state lab, but I wanted to see if anyone has experienced something similar with any species/breed of bird


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Gosh that's horrible. To suddenly watch your canary bleed to death in a minute in front of you had to be a little shocking.

I've had macaw parrots for over 20 years and know nothing of anything that would cause a vessel to burst. Since there was a black dot on its leg, I presume that could have been dried blood where a mite or something might have bit it.

So sorry for your loss! :hugs
Gosh that's horrible. To suddenly watch your canary bleed to death in a minute in front of you had to be a little shocking.

I've had macaw parrots for over 20 years and know nothing of anything that would cause a vessel to burst. Since there was a black dot on its leg, I presume that could have been dried blood where a mite or something might have bit it.

So sorry for your loss! :hugs
Thank you. We've had parrots/birds longer than chickens, so it was definitely an experience... she was a sweet one but I can’t get over how quickly it all happened. Vet said it may have been canary pox? I've never heard of pox causing arterial spurts though :idunno
That must've been terribly distressing for you. I'm so sorry! I'm unable to offer any insights. I've never experienced anything like that with my pet birds. Poor little canary 😞

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