Bus Chicken Coop - I thought I have seen everything

I heard busses are really expensive. The big city busses are like half a million a piece if I remember correctly. I think school buses are in that range too. I think old used running busses from the 90's are still almost 100k....
LOL... you can actually get those old school busses dirt cheap from the city. We have several farmers that have and use them for jut about everything.. hay storage, chickens, turkeys, etc...
My mothers husband is a driver for the local schools and says they pratically give them away since they don't run.

It's an idea... I know my husband would flip if I brought one hom LOL.
A few weeks ago someone here in town had a bus for sale. Running too. The wife had advertised it, she told hubby it was time to start clearing out stuff. She told my DH to make an offer on it, ( she originally asked 2000.00 for it), but he is not stupid ( ex car dealer, he knows better). She said make offer, if he had offered, she would have probably taken it, and we didn't have the money for it. Besides I told DH it was time to get rid of stuff too. lol
my husband would probably use a school bus for a chicken coop

thanks for sharing it with us.

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