BUSY poultry day!!! I am so relieved to have gotten a shower!


11 Years
Aug 28, 2008
New England.. the cold part.
I've been brooding chicks/ducklings/turkeys in my DH's trailer. I made a lid for it with wood and hardware cloth, and I parked it in the shed so i'd have Electricity. I shoveled it out a few times since April 12th, replacing the dirty litter with clean straw/shavings, but today, i took out teh 3 last turkeys, put them in the back coop (by themselves), and dragged that stinky trailer outside. I spent 1/2 hour shoveling it out, and raking to get the edges. It still has some straw stuff in it, but all my chickens have hopped in and are scratching and pecking... so I'm going to leave it out for 3 rains, and then on saturday get someone to help me drag it over near the hose and really clean it out. Anyway, I then filled 3 wheelbarrows (well, 1 barrow 3 times) of straw and chicken poo that escaped from the compost pile over the last year and put that down around my rhubarb patch for mulch. It had sort of made a carpet on the ground behind the compost, so that was a lot of work. Then I put in another roost for the hens, and after that, I was SO dirty and covered with icky dust (probably poo), and I came in and had a cool shower. now I feel SO clean!!! and like I've accomplished a lot.
chickensducks&agoose :

I've been brooding chicks/ducklings/turkeys in my DH's trailer. I made a lid for it with wood and hardware cloth, and I parked it in the shed so i'd have Electricity. I shoveled it out a few times since April 12th, replacing the dirty litter with clean straw/shavings, but today, i took out teh 3 last turkeys, put them in the back coop (by themselves), and dragged that stinky trailer outside. I spent 1/2 hour shoveling it out, and raking to get the edges. It still has some straw stuff in it, but all my chickens have hopped in and are scratching and pecking... so I'm going to leave it out for 3 rains, and then on saturday get someone to help me drag it over near the hose and really clean it out. Anyway, I then filled 3 wheelbarrows (well, 1 barrow 3 times) of straw and chicken poo that escaped from the compost pile over the last year and put that down around my rhubarb patch for mulch. It had sort of made a carpet on the ground behind the compost, so that was a lot of work. Then I put in another roost for the hens, and after that, I was SO dirty and covered with icky dust (probably poo), and I came in and had a cool shower. now I feel SO clean!!! and like I've accomplished a lot.

Yep, cool shower definitely needed. This last time we let the coop go way too long between clean outs, due to DH's illness. DH has to be able to run the big tractor as we fill the tractor bucket with the used shavings and carry them off; usually takes at least 3 loads. This time it took five loads and there was gunk stuck to the floor. DH felt sorry for me and helped man the shovel as well as run the tractor. Even so, I still needed a long shower.​

Good job! You HAVE accomplished a lot!

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