butchering roosters

I have nothing new to add here but have to thank "wsmith" for the most thorough answer and thank "fowlmouthgirls" for the most detailed link. I think anyone with questions about how to process a chicken will find those sources helpful. As for myself, I just started my "chicken farm". My first experience culling my rooster population entailed killing/cleaning 7 at a time. I just had too many roosters. It took me several hours and my back ached from the stiff standing and I think gutting was the hardest part. Mostly because it took more of my attention to not puncture any organs and I should add these were Bantams. It was hard for me to gut such a little chicken. My second time culling the same number of roosters went a little more quickly and smoothly. I rather enjoyed these experiences, not because I liked killing an animal but because I have developed a much deeper respect for where my chicken comes from and what it goes through. I take really good care of my animals and often times they eat better than I do.
I have nothing new to add here but have to thank "wsmith" for the most thorough answer and thank "fowlmouthgirls" for the most detailed link. I think anyone with questions about how to process a chicken will find those sources helpful. As for myself, I just started my "chicken farm". My first experience culling my rooster population entailed killing/cleaning 7 at a time. I just had too many roosters. It took me several hours and my back ached from the stiff standing and I think gutting was the hardest part. Mostly because it took more of my attention to not puncture any organs and I should add these were Bantams. It was hard for me to gut such a little chicken. My second time culling the same number of roosters went a little more quickly and smoothly. I rather enjoyed these experiences, not because I liked killing an animal but because I have developed a much deeper respect for where my chicken comes from and what it goes through. I take really good care of my animals and often times they eat better than I do. 

Thanks! :D
I just did my first Rooster last weekend, he was only 14 weeks, but he had to go because he wouldn't stop crowing and I am in a no Rooster zone right now. I followed this website, and it took me 45 minutes from start to finish. Very little blood, all of the innards came out easily and it was a lot less stressful than I anticipated!
Great link. Thank you. We have done it before but usually skin them and would like to pluck now.

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