Button Quail Cage


9 Years
Jun 23, 2011
This might be supposed to go in the quail section, but I thought it'd be better to ask here because building a quail cage would probably be similar to a coop. I want to get a pair of button quail, so I'm working on trying to figure out a home. I don't like the cages I see for sale very much and decided I wanted to at least attempt to build my own cage. I have much to learn about building, but I have someone who can help at least. I tried to get an idea of what I wanted for the cage on paint and I was wondering if it would work. I want this cage to be able to hang on the wall (if this is absolutely impossible and a horrible idea now is a good time to tell me xD)

For the vents, I plan on a screen or hardware cloth. I also plan on adding a layer of something soft to the inside of the roof so if the quail pop up, as I've heard they do, they won't hurt themselves. I'm not sure how clear my diagram is, but basically It will be made of wood, but with glass doors in the front so I can see them (kinda important). I have a picture of something similar to the idea I have in mind, so you can get a picture of what I'm thinking of making

So this kind of thing, where most of it is window. I'd need extra wood at the bottom, to keep in the shavings when I open it though.

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