Button Sex?

barnyard pimp

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 29, 2012
I hatched out some buttons and can easily sex most. Some are blue breasted. This one I am not so sure. It has a black line "bib" (i think that is what it is called). It has no red on the butt. I was trying to have them paired off. I saw this one being aggressive toward a roo. Is that normal for a hen? First time with buttons.

and she will be aggressive if she doesn't like the male or just until he woos her...give them a bit of time and then try another male. remember to remove both birds from the cage and move things around a bit then introduce them both to the "new" cage at the same time. helps with aggression. good luck.
I had 3 plastic totes. One had a pair that was doing pretty good. I had another tote with 3 roos. The 3rd tote had 1 roo and 4 hens. One of the roos in the roo tote was calling his little heart out. Finally a hen started responding to his call. Put those 2 toghether, and now they are happy. Got another roo starting the calling and waiting to see which hen answers back.

These are about 7 weeks old. I have seen 2 roos that were paired up get their strut on. How long til the hens start laying? I have seen them get busy, but just figured it may be a little early til she starts laying.
they can and do lay as early as 6-7 weeks but they usually are not fertile. give them to 10 weeks before you try to incubate them, mean while you can collect them and boil them for the quail to eat, shell and all, just give them a grind and they love these.good luck

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