buying a used bator?


12 Years
Nov 5, 2010
cookeville, tn
I am on a very limited income so buying a new bator is kinda out of my price range. I am interested in hatching some of my own eggs. And I want to get turkeys for the meat. As I said I live on a very tight income and being able to raise birds for food and maybe to sell a few would be great for me.I put up an add with 1 responce. Is there any place to go to find a used bator? I have checked ebay and craigslist in my area and nothing doing. Any other Ideas?
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Have you considered building an incubator?

Cosidered yes but that expense seems to be about the same as getting a used one. I dont have the stuff I need just sitting around. and from the posts I have seen it seems really complicated I am not an electritian.
Have you considered using broody hens? They work great and are quite cheap compared to an incubator! I've heard of hens hatching turkey eggs. They can also hatch ducklings too, LOL!
When buying used incubators you have to really pay attention to how clean the bator is, did the seller clean it after hatches etc? Hova-bators are made out of styrofoam and after awhile the bacteria gets into the styrofoam and its pretty much impossible to clean it completely. Also ask what kind of working condition its in, sometimes someone will sell you are really cheap incubator and when you go to use it something doesnt work right.
Yes I have but then I am on her time. So what if she doent go broody when the turkey eggs are available?

I would suggest using broody hens when you can, but have a back-up incubator just in case
I have thought about buying a used incubator but I am horrified of what they outcome will be. I'm afraid that it won't work, electrical problems and who knows what else. I'm lucky to be able to use broody hens. But.....I still want an incubator. I guess I will have to save my pennies and buy one brand new. Just my thoughts on buying a used incubator. I will not spend money on a used incubator. If someone gives me a used incubator, then I will take it.
I am not sure if it is doable there but do you have school programs that has a incubator? I have heard people borrowing the incubator when it is not in use. Just a thought. I personally would not buy a foam type- LG or Hovabator used. They only have a certain amount of time on them. you can only clean foam so many times. Maybe you can wait a bit and save your money for a new one? I hear that the Brinsea is a good incubator although I have never personally tried it. Good Luck! I hope you work something out.


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