Buying chicks online death percentage & pullet percentage (when asked for)

what breed of chickens do you ant and how many do you want and when?
where are you located?
if you have them sexed by the hatchery, you should get what you ordered. if straight run, it's potluck.
If you ship them right and give them each one drop only by mouth drop of Bovidr Labs Poulty Nutri-Drench when they arrive to combat travel stress, you should' have any die. Repeat the one drop as needed with needy chicks every 8-10 hours until perky. Keep putting the Drench in their water for the 1st 2 week to get them off to a strong start. Water should look like very weak tea.
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Also, I'm confused if there is a minimum of 2 or 3 on popular sites like mypetchicken and murraymcmurrayhatchery ??? is this a good idea?

well here, in this particular ad, you can buy as little as one or as many as you want. The price is high. Does no one near you breed Black Australops? Where are you located. maybe I can find someone with Black Astralops who has some available for you at a much lover price. oh you are in socal, ok.
here ya go, am sending you contact info on several black Australops breeders. Should find what you want here.
Check your BYC private messages on your profile page.
I have gotten all 11 of my chickens from MyPetChicken via their website as day old chicks. 100% of my chicks survived (without special supplements, just fresh clean water, chick feed, and an Ecoglow heat source rather than a heat lamp).Of the first group of 7 from last spring, 100% are hens, as ordered. The 4 I got on 12/1/16 are just now getting old enough to say with confidence that I will be shocked if its not another case of 100% accuracy on gender.

Hope that helps!

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