Buying more chickens

Karen A

6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
Hi I brought four chickens on the 23rd of march this year that was the best thing I ever did so I would like to buy some more how do I introduce the new ones to the ones I have already got as I have been told that i cannot just bring them home and just put them straight in with the others as will be attacked
Divided living space, provides time for them to get to know each other. If you can't divide the coop then a temporary coop and run next to the permanent coop and run will work. If you free range after a week you can let them range at the same time. If you don't free range then opening a connection in the run will allow them to mingle. After a week or two of mingling you should be able to put them in the same coop. You will still have a few dust ups but they should be short while they decide who's boss. You could put them together at night without the slow introduction, but there is a greater chance of injury while they sort things out.
Being attacked is the LEAST of your worries. Be far more concerned with introducing disease into your existing flock! You need to keep any new birds quarrentined for ay least 30 days. And quarrentined means TOTALLY apart,so they cannot transmit any virus through the air even. Plus you need to completely disinfect yourself and your clothes before going from one flock to another! If this seems like a lot of trouble,go to the disease/illness/emergencies forum here on Backyard Chickens and read all the posts from the folks that did not follow this and lost their flock or can never sell/swap/trade chickens from their flock due to being carriers of some diseases. Then make your decisions after careful research.

I don't mean to scare you or turn you away from having a flock,just want your experience with chickens to fe fun and not turn into a nightmare!
Well first off introduce them at night, but night is the easiest way to go. Putting the new hens ina a seperate pen so they could meet each other is probably the best way to go, if you can do that, you definently should. If that will not work do the intro at night, put the new chickens on the perch then watch for a little while to make sure they don't fight, then check on them in the morning.
Good Luck!
Being attacked is the LEAST of your worries. Be far more concerned with introducing disease into your existing flock! You need to keep any new birds quarrentined for ay least 30 days. And quarrentined means TOTALLY apart,so they cannot transmit any virus through the air even. Plus you need to completely disinfect yourself and your clothes before going from one flock to another! If this seems like a lot of trouble,go to the disease/illness/emergencies forum here on Backyard Chickens and read all the posts from the folks that did not follow this and lost their flock or can never sell/swap/trade chickens from their flock due to being carriers of some diseases. Then make your decisions after careful research.

I don't mean to scare you or turn you away from having a flock,just want your experience with chickens to fe fun and not turn into a nightmare!
Thank-you for all your advice not sure when I will be getting the other chickens but what you have said will help

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