BYC at work

I work with my DH too, BUT I DON'T GET PAID!! Hey, I think there is a problem here. He gets mad when I'm on the computer so much. Mostly because chicken stuff isn't important, and he wants on to get on to play Desktop Tower Defender. Which we all understand to be VERY IMPORTANT.
I repair emergency generators. The big ones that run hospitals, wastewater plants,
ridiculously large houses, etc... I'm basically a road tech in a van going from site
to site. I used to do IT(Computer crap) and but hate being "cooped" up in offices listening
to people whine their Word documents won't open.

I have one of my laptops in my van hooked to the internet via my AT&T cellphone.
It works great and is fast.

Right now I'm pulled over on the side of the road just to check BYC. OK BACK TO WORK!!!
I think you need a rooster to get Word documents to open, don't you?

Or maybe that's just an old wives' tale. I do know that Word documents need at least 14 hours of light per day to work.


Chickens are much simpler when you come right down to it.

Me too, only I do pretty much what I want when I want. I don't get paid a paycheck, per se, so I don't feel any guilt about goofing off. I am the "manager" here...I manage the phone, the customers, and pretty much nothing else. Occasionally, I manage to catch up on what little paperwork I do. I get so bored here sometimes, it's all I can do to stay awake. I even have a chair and a throw here for those times I can't. Nothing is more irritating than to have to answer the phone when I've got a good snooze going.

Pat, no, I'm positive that a Word document opens every 14 hours, at least that's what PC said on that other thread.
Guilty! My current/soon to be ex employer (because of my new job not internet access ha ha) monitors our interest access, every site, time online, and our phone conversations and report them to our managers, and have camera's everywhere, but I think they don't say anyting to me because I can work and read these at the time time or as long as my work gets done I don't know. I get off and on don't stay on usually. They probably know what I just typed.
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I'm hoping and believing that my new job/situation will allow me a little more flexibility in a lot of ways! I hope this is one of them....
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