BYC Couples

Ever get a wiggly tooth loose enough that you can turn it around? Wacky stuff.
Done that lol.
Probably the weirdest thing that I've done was dissect a bantam and run up a flight of stairs to show my mother an eyeball that I'd pulled out. That was recent, though.
And gush over the tiny rabbit kidneys when I was seven and watching my mother butcher rabbits.
Teacher: what's your favourite thing
Other kids: chocolate! My mommy!
You: rabbit kidneys
Ever get a wiggly tooth loose enough that you can turn it around? Wacky stuff.
Probably the weirdest thing that I've done was dissect a bantam and run up a flight of stairs to show my mother an eyeball that I'd pulled out. That was recent, though.
And gush over the tiny rabbit kidneys when I was seven and watching my mother butcher rabbits.
You watched your mom butcher rabbits??
YOU PULLED OUT A HEN"S EYE? EW. I couldn't even inspect my dead hen fully for a cause of death because I was crying too hard. :(
We get a 1 week fall break, 2 week winter break, 1 week spring break, and 10 week summer break. Americans amiright?
I would have the summer off, but I'm taking a full-summer course at the moment, so only one week between the spring and summer semesters.
I should get another between the second summer and the autumn semester, I believe.
And no winter semester because I refuse to go a year without absolutely killing myself in the kitchen over various Christmas goods (kolachi, fruitcake, cookies, more cookies, more cookies).
You watched your mom butcher rabbits??
YOU PULLED OUT A HEN"S EYE? EW. I couldn't even inspect my dead hen fully for a cause of death because I was crying too hard. :(
I wouldn't be able to insoect one of my babies if they died. They either get buried, or depending who it is they'll get cremated (how much does that cost)
A hawk killed one of my bantam roosters and left him behind. I was going into nursing, anyway, so I figured that it would be a waste to miss this chance at looking at anatomy of some kind and practice my scalpel skills.
Teacher: what's your favourite thing
Other kids: chocolate! My mommy!
You: rabbit kidneys
They're cute! Could make little earrings with them.
Anatomy is so interesting.

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