BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

My current friendliest chicken is an *Easter egger* named cutie. When I was doing 4H showing, we had *Belgian bearded Quail D'Anvers* that were my project flock. They would follow at my heels like baby chicks around their mama, even after they were a few years old. Maybe it's because I give extra special attention to chickens with floofy beards.

Our *black Australorp* is a gem, quite literally. Her name is Emerald. She weighs a ton but my 3 year old can walk right up and pick Emsy up in her arms without any resistance.
We have quite a lot of breeds in our flock, I would have to say the Barred Rock is the friendliest. My previous pick would have been my White Marans but she passed last year. Also our black/blue silkies have been friendly. From this years's chicks, mind you they are only a couple weeks old, so the 2 ISA browns are the friendliest.
My flock consists of Black Copper Marans, Black Copper Marans crosses, Cochins, Silkies, Buff Orps, and 1 lone Game hen.

The friendliest are the Marans, then the silkies followed by the Buff orps.
I got my marans because I was looking for big friendly lap chickens. They were recommended to me as being super friendly. Every good thing that was said about them they are and more so. Even the boys have been gentle sweet hearts. I have 1 hen who has become so spoiled thanks to my grandma that she comes in every day now and lays her egg on the couch. We exchange the egg for a handful of her own special box of raisins daily. The Marans crosses also inherit the Marans personality. I had a EE x Wyandotte mix hen who was definitely a look but don't you dare touch hen. Her daughter and granddaughter are always underfoot hoping for either a lap to sit in or to be the first to get a treat.
My next friendliest breed are my silkies. I did not want them even though my daughter begged for years. Last spring a neighbor up the road asked me to hatch some silkie eggs from her flock to test fertility. I agree reluctantly, but swore none were staying. When they were 2 weeks old I already had a favorite who ended up being a boy. He is my favorite chicken I have. I can bring him inside and put him on a towel and he'll watch tv with me for up to 2 hours without pooping once. He is also the best boy I have when it comes to watching for predators, he's the first to spot a hawk, and he killed a baby snake 4 days ago. I refer to my silkies as my furry chicken dogs.
Next are my Buff orps. My first 1 Butter is almost 2 and she is my mom's favorite hen, she always wants to be in her lap. Butter also gets jealous if another chicken dares to sit in her lap and will evict them if she catches it. She is all the time talking to you and is a nosy shadow. I got 3 more Buff chicks 8 weeks ago when I had a lone silkie egg hatch. Their favorite place to fly up to when I'm out with them is my shoulders and head.
My least friendliest bird is my game hen. When she is not broody, which is rare, she does NOT like to be touched. When she is broody or has babies, do not look in her direction, she will whip you. I put up with a lot of crap from that hen, more then I should. But she has by far been the best mother so I just call her names and threaten her. I don't want any of her own chicks, so each time she goes broody I risk life and limb and swap out her eggs with my Marans. I can not safely handle her chicks until she is done with them. Normally 8 weeks or older, and so far each time I've been able to tame them in under 2 days after she is done. She is getting up in age, and is once again setting. She hates me, I tolerate her, but when the old bat is gone I will miss her.
Here is the spoiled house chicken wannabe Bunny with her freshly laid egg.
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I only use game hens as broodies. Can't get any better
In my experience is Bielefelders are by far the friendliest with Orps being number two. My RIR are Heritage RIR , not production , they are also very friendly. I have not had large amounts of any breeds so my experience is based off of 8 or less birds of each breeds.

The breeds purchased from breeders versus the mass hatcheries have all been friendlier.

My breeds in order of friendliness
Orpington (CCO)
Marans (BC and Lav)
Legbar (CC and Opal)
Brahma (light and dark)
Partridge Rock
Wyandotte (silver laced)
Olive Egger (not a breed) (am/EE/Marans)
What is the friendliest chicken breed(s)? I think Easter Eggers are the friendliest breed, also Brahmas, Javas, and some Wyandottes.

Why do you think this? Because mine are. :)

What evidence can back you up? Threads? Articles? I don't know offhand, but I've heard many peeps say their EE's are very nice and friendly.

What is your experience with this breed(s)? I have, or have had, five Easter Eggers, and all of them were absolute cuddle bugs. They would all sit on my lap for hours, if I let them. One of them would get jealous and fly up at me if I was paying attention to someone else.

What breeds are not very friendly? Why? I personally haven't dealt with any unfriendly breeds, just individuals. One of my Wyandottes loves hugs, while the other two stay far away from me. Some of the others are the same way.
I have 4 Silkies and 2 Cochin Bantam pullets and none of them like to be touched or even be approached even with a treat in hand. I got curious pullets that get close to me to get food or see what I have, like my Appenzeller Spitzhauben, Brabanter, OEGB and Easter Egger pullets. My friendliest chicken is my big and besutiful blue splash Maran, Bluebelle. My least friendly, most skittish chickens are my beardless salmon Faverolle, Sebright and my Polish bantams.
I'm not terribly experienced as all mine are under 4 months but I've hatched 4 types- bantam mixes, serama, barred rock, and Dominiques.

My Dominiques have been the friendliest this far, they always want to be with me and chatter.

Tied are my bantam mixes and the serama, in general they are pretty chill, always want to know what I'm doing when I'm around and always willing to be picked up for a treat. (My serama has started to turn on me a little over the past couple days though, he'll peck my foot as hard as he can when I enter the run and then take off running. 😂 Little turd)

Unfortunately, the barred rocks I hatched I found to be bullies and a little spazzy.
I personally would argue mixed breeds possibly because when we hatch usually there’s a bit of a mix and they are less scared of people when hand raised. I have the loveliest barnevelder cross (although barnevelders tend to be more friendly) and a gorgeous pullet I don’t really know what she is. They just want cuddles all the time.

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