BYC Member Interview - Mountain Peeps


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
Sarah, known to BYC members as Mountain Peeps, has been a member of our community since April 2014. In the short time since she joined, she has become a wonderful contributor who wrote quite a few articles for the site. When she's not writing, she will most often be found in the New Member Introductions section, welcoming new members and on her Chat Thread, talking to friends.

1 1. Tell us a bit more about yourself

My family and I own a lodge in Colorado. That is something most people would not guess about us. But believe it or not, I would not trade this lifestyle for anything. At first I hated all the work and the fact that we were most busy in summer when school was out. But as I got older, I learned to love meeting new people and developing relationships. Some of my best friends are ones I’ve met through owning the lodge. Sure, the cleaning rooms, folding laundry and dealing with difficult people gets old, but the benefits of owning such a great lodge, makes everything worth it.

Besides owning chickens and writing about them, I really enjoy dancing and photography. I’ve been dancing for 10 years now. And in the past year I’ve really come to enjoy taking pictures of really anything that catches my eye. My family is always nagging me about how many pictures I have on their cameras and phones besides my own!

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens?

I started raising chickens because of my grandma. She always raised poultry on her farm, which is where I fell in love with them. In 2012, at the farm, I decided it was time to get some of my own. I got my first chicks in March of that year.

3. Which aspect(s) of chicken keeping do you enjoy the most?

I love their personalities! Their eggs are a huge plus but they don’t last forever like their personalities do. The other thing I love about my chickens is the attention they attract from guests and people around town. You would not believe how many people stop by just because they see chickens in the yard. I love bragging about my flock to these people!

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?

I’ve only had 8 chickens within these past 4 years. While they all are so unique, annoying and special in their own ways, Gracie is by far my favorite. She is a Buff Orpington who is just filled with love and affection. All she wants to do is be with me and on me. It’s her personality I love. She isn’t very pretty; she is weak, plump and not the best layer. But I still love her to bits!

5. What was the funniest (chicken related) thing(s) that happened to you in your years as chicken owner?

I have enjoyed many funny experiences with my flock but I was having a hard time picking the funniest. So I decided to share a cute story instead of a funny one. Last year, my grandparents came to our lodge to meet my chickens for the first time. We were in the yard eating lunch with the chickens free ranging around us. Now Gracie has rarely been very friendly to other people besides me. It takes her a good while to warm up to strangers. As we sat eating, she walked over to us, stretched out and laid down right on top of my grandma’s feet. It was the sweetest thing! Here was my favorite hen sound asleep lying on top of the woman’s feet who had first inspired me to own chickens!

6. Beside chickens, what other pets do you keep?

I have a standard poodle, named Simba, who is very affectionate, loyal, lazy and protective. I also have an annoying, lively and friendly guinea pig named Cargo whom I just got in January.

7. Anything you'd like to add?

I’d just like to say a HUGE thank you to the members of BYC! You have made such an impact on my life. I love that I can talk about my love and passion for chickens as well as just chat about life here on BYC. Thank you so much!

See here for more about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:
Kudos! Confetti Whee! yea!

Great interview.

(and your dog is adorable.)
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What a GREAT interview Sarah!!! You portrayed yourself beautifully here and your pictures are lovely! As for Gracie and your Grandmother, animals know who the ruler of the pack is.
Gracie must have seen you in her.

Thank you for sharing Sarah!!
What a great interview! Loved the story of Gracie and your grandmother. Your lodge looks like it keeps you busy, but fortunately for us not too busy to spend time here, starting interesting and fun new threads that encourage participation by everyone, including our newer folks!

I love this thread. Getting to "know" the folks behind the keyboards keeps it lively and fun!
Wonderful read, thanks so much for sharing, Sarah! When I was in high school, I raised guinea pigs for my local pet store; love their squeals! What a neat thing, working at a lodge. That's quite unusual! Again, thanks for sharing.

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