BYC Member Interview - notabitail


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Come say hello to @notabitail who has been a member since April 2023.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I'm a tech nerd, chickeneer, and also a bug raiser. I have lots of experience with older computers, fixing computers, and Linux on the tech side of things. I raise mealworms as well for my chickens. Last I checked they were doing pretty good.
Story behind my member name?
Long ago, Chicken Abigail was a little pullet. Her sisters had tails by this time. But not Abigail. Soon she sprouted a stub of a tail. This led to her being called "Abitail" by my Mom. I came up with the reason that Chicken Abigail insisted she was "not Abitail", hence my username.
Actually, I really wanted to make the account fast, couldn't think of anything, except that I am not Abitail as well, and put that in as my username. I'm now known as NoTabbiTail, Not a Bit Tail, and Notabitail here on BYC.

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
When did I start? September of 2022, I think. Why did I start? At first I did not like the idea of having more things to take care of. Well, I saw my Mom and sister looking at baby chicks. And I never needed one more. The reason they wanted them was the eggs. So eggs and as a pet are the reason I keep them.

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
Hard one. Probably their personalities. Mine have me trained to do what they want, though I deny that at times, and lose some food next time I eat lunch in their presence. Besides that it'd be the eggs. Fresh eggs taste better.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
Chicken Abigail. She was my first chicken. My siblings claimed the rest, so I got Abigail. I thought Abigail was a Welsummer. Nope. Speckled Sussex. That bird spent quite a bit of time with me. She had unique skills too. She was potty trained, she'd react to her name (but not come), and she loved using remotes as launchpads. She also believed she was a pigeon. She was truly amazing and I miss her. Her sisters are all amazing as well. Empress Josephine the Exchequer Leghorn, Ruler of the Coop, Gaby the Welsummer, Hardest to Catch, Felicitas and Agathae The Cream Legbars, Layers of Extra Royal Blue Eggs Even Though they are not Empresses, and Dominica and In Albis, the Food Gobblers, Under Which No Human Stands a Chance.

5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
Just to set the background here: I have two coops. The Bigs, and the Littles. The Littles are primarily cared for by my sister. The Bigs are mine.
Early in the days of having the Littles, I thought integrating them with the Bigs would be a good idea. No, it wasn't. They all hated the Bigs. But Dominica had other plans.
One day I let them out in the yard. They were living in separate coops and still are. They stayed away from each other. Except Dominica. She walked up to the Proud Cockerel. The Proud Cockerel puffed his hackles. And the little backyard Dominica did likewise. They flew and clawed at each other. It didn't look pretty. Until Dominica decided she had other plans. She flew up, landed on the Cockerel, and screamed, "Giddy up, boy!". The Cockerel had no idea what to do, so he ran, with Dominica hanging on his back, holding on tight, much to the amusement of the Bigs and the Littles. She jumped off after around 10 seconds of riding, thanked the Cockerel, and ran joyously home.
I have embellished this tale slightly, but I will reassure you it was hilarious to see the look on Cockerel's face. To this day he is scared of Dominica the Backyard Dominique, who reminds him of the time he was a riding horse.

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
I don't have any other pets. My family has a rescued Eurasian Collared Dove named Pichon. Pichon believes I am another dove.

7. Anything you'd like to add?
More chickens, and more computers to both of my collections.
Oh. You mean to the interview. I don't think there's much I can add to it.
Thank you for taking the time to interview me, and thank you to all of BYC.
If you've got anything you'd like to know that's not covered here, ask me. I'll get back as soon as I can.

In Albis:
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Felicitas (with Agathae in the back. Felicy does not like posing that much).:
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Empress Josephine:
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Chicken Abigail:
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The Littles (this photo has most of them, I think):
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Abigail on a laptop:
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Abigail's first time outside:
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5 out of 7 of the Bigs as chicks.
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