BYC Newbie!


In the Brooder
Oct 16, 2016
Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
Hi All,

I am from Alberta Canada, and am in the planning stages of a small coop for 25 chickens. After years of begging my husband has finally agreed to having laying chickens. My goal is to produce healthy organic eggs for our family and friends.

I have a million questions about best coop design for my frigid climate, heat or not, best breeds for egg production etc, but for now, I am content to learn from the pros here at BYC!

Greetings from Kansas, AcreageChickie, and :welcome! Great to have you aboard! You've certainly come the right place for learning! In fact, I urge you to read as many articles as possible in the Learning Center here:
Additionally, you might want to chat with fellow countrymen in the Canada thread to be found in this link:
Then take a tour of the Coops section here:
Best wishes and thanks for joining BYC!
Great to have another poultry lover!
Welcome to BYC
.I wish i did this before getting chickens but i recommend learning common diseases in chicken flocks most chicken keepers always run into one and its great to know what your dealing with.Enjoy your stay

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