Ended BYC Poultry Knowledge Quiz - Win Prizes!

Just for fun... and if I don't know the answer, I'm going to say what first comes to mind, for your entertainment. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

BYC Poultry Knowledge Quiz questions will be posted here.
#1 Do you need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs?
#2 What is the most common comb type?
#3 What is a male turkey called?
#4 What is a male duck called?
#5 Do chickens have ears?
#6 Some geese have a knob. Where is it located?
Probably on their door.
#7 Does a pea comb look like a pea?
Not to me. šŸ¤£
#8 When a bird is molting, what is it doing?
Shedding old feathers and regrowing new ones.
#9 What is the main difference between bantams and large fowl?
The size.
#10 What is on a duckā€™s foot that helps make it a good swimmer?
#11 Where is the spur located on a chicken?
On the ankle / lower leg. (Not sure if this is a trick question, roosters have spurs, but my Rhode Island Red hen also has spurs so I assume both genders can have spurs.)
#12 Does a hen normally lay more than one egg a day?
#13 Where on the body of a chicken would you find a muff?
In the winter, on their ears.
#14 What is the body part called where the egg or poop comes out?
Vent. (HOLY COW, the egg and poo comes out the same hole? NO WAY!!! šŸ˜±)
#15 What mineral is important for good egg shell formation?
#16 Where is the preen gland?
Does that exist? šŸ˜… I'll say in the beak, since they preen feathers with their beaks.
#17 Where will you find a spur?
I'm not sure if this is the same as question 11... so I'm going to say on cowboy boots.
# 18 Do chickens have an appendix?
I'll guess yes.
# 19 Where will one find the comb?
On top of a chicken's head.
#20 Do chickens have an appendix?
Um. I'll guess no so if my yes guess is wrong on #18, I'll get it right in one place or the other.
#21 How many kidneys do chickens have?
#22 How many toes does a Salmon Faverolle have?
Salmon don't have toes, they have fins. (Seriously, I'll guess six.)
#23 Is the cushion comb common?
I wouldn't think so, I don't think a chicken's comb sits down in chairs often.
#24 All baby fowl hatch with this, what is it called?
View attachment 2772359
Egg tooth.
#25 At the end of every duck's beak is this. What is it called?
View attachment 2772373
...looks like an egg tooth. Going with that. šŸ¤£
#26 You will find a snood on a chicken chick, a duckling, or a poult?
#27 What gas can be produced my manure that is toxic to chickens?
#28 What is a male goose called?
Gander. (I remember hearing the old saying, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander." šŸ˜‚)
#29 How many primary flight feathers do most poultry have?
#30 What is a flock of geese called?
A flock?
#31 What is a baby guinea fowl called?
New Guinea. Not to be confused with the country.
#32 Which of the following temperatures would work for incubating eggs-95, 100, or 105 degrees?

#33 What type of comb does a Sicilian Buttercup have?
#34 What does ā€œdual purposeā€ mean?
The birds are used for eggs OR meat.
#35 What is a neutered rooster called?
...those exist? šŸ¤Æ
#36 Which sex determines the sex? Male of female?
Neither. 50/50 chance of getting male or female, neither parents determines.
#37 What is the hairy patch on the front of a turkey called?
Turkey breast.
#38 What are these bugs?
View attachment 2772416
#39 What are these bugs?
View attachment 2772417
#40 What type of worm is this?
View attachment 2772421
#41 What type of worm is this?
View attachment 2772423
#42 If a baby duck is a duckling and a baby goose is a gosling, what is a baby swan?
I feel like I'm being led to say swanling...
#43 What is the horny protuberance on top of the Guinea Fowl head called?
#44 On what species will you find caruncles?
Sound like it would be on a waterfowl since it rhymes with barnacles.
Chicken Mocking GIF by swerk

#45 Many starter feeds for baby chicks are medicated. What disease is the medication able to prevent?
Coccidiosis. Wish I had known about it before I lost two pullets.
#46 Are cocci and coccidiosis the same?
...yes. šŸ˜³
#47 What time of day do duck usually lay their eggs?
#48 What species of domestic fowl have a penis?
All the males.
#49 What vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of leg problems in ducks, turkeys, & peafowl?
Vitamin C.
#50 What internal parasite can be found in the crop, esophagus & the intestines?
Ewww I have no idea. I didn't know any would be in the crop or esophagus.
#51 What species of fowl hatches with semi-developed flight feathers?
#52 If you breed two black Muscovy ducks and they produce a chocolate duckling, what sex is the duckling?
I don't know, but it doesn't sound like two black ducks should be able to make a chocolate duck, unless they pour milk chocolate into a chocolate duck mold.
#53 What organ is connected to the crop & the gizzard?
#54 If you cross a Muscovy male with a Pekin female, what is the progeny called?
A muskin. Mus(covy) (Pe)kin.
#55 How long does it take for the following eggs to hatch: chicken, call duck, duck, turkey, & muscovy duck?
21 days, 28 days, 28 days, 34 days, 28 days.

#56 What disease affects all poultry but is most devastating to turkey & peafowl breeders?
#57 All birds have air sacs, but can you name the air that is only found in male ducks?
Air male. It costs more than USPS ground to have things sent by flying drakes, though.
#58 What time of day do peafowl usually lay their eggs?
Orange sherbert. šŸ˜
#60 When do Emus lay eggs?
Just for fun... and if I don't know the answer, I'm going to say what first comes to mind, for your entertainment. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






Probably on their door.

Not to me. šŸ¤£

Shedding old feathers and regrowing new ones.

The size.


On the ankle / lower leg. (Not sure if this is a trick question, roosters have spurs, but my Rhode Island Red hen also has spurs so I assume both genders can have spurs.)


In the winter, on their ears.

Vent. (HOLY COW, the egg and poo comes out the same hole? NO WAY!!! šŸ˜±)


Does that exist? šŸ˜… I'll say in the beak, since they preen feathers with their beaks.

I'm not sure if this is the same as question 11... so I'm going to say on cowboy boots.

I'll guess yes.

On top of a chicken's head.

Um. I'll guess no so if my yes guess is wrong on #18, I'll get it right in one place or the other.


Salmon don't have toes, they have fins. (Seriously, I'll guess six.)

I wouldn't think so, I don't think a chicken's comb sits down in chairs often.

Egg tooth.

...looks like an egg tooth. Going with that. šŸ¤£



Gander. (I remember hearing the old saying, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander." šŸ˜‚)


A flock?

New Guinea. Not to be confused with the country.



The birds are used for eggs OR meat.

...those exist? šŸ¤Æ

Neither. 50/50 chance of getting male or female, neither parents determines.

Turkey breast.





I feel like I'm being led to say swanling...


Sound like it would be on a waterfowl since it rhymes with barnacles.
Chicken Mocking GIF by swerk

Coccidiosis. Wish I had known about it before I lost two pullets.

...yes. šŸ˜³


All the males.

Vitamin C.

Ewww I have no idea. I didn't know any would be in the crop or esophagus.


I don't know, but it doesn't sound like two black ducks should be able to make a chocolate duck, unless they pour milk chocolate into a chocolate duck mold.


A muskin. Mus(covy) (Pe)kin.

21 days, 28 days, 28 days, 34 days, 28 days.


Air male. It costs more than USPS ground to have things sent by flying drakes, though.


Orange sherbert. šŸ˜

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