BYC's Random Funny Posting Thread! Hosts Mike & Sally

It was a Honda Element. Take the T off "element", and put on the letters OP. If you say that out loud, it sounds like L,M,N,O,P. Then the license plate is QRSTUV.

I read a really good book titled, Ella Minnow Pea. I didn't get that until I told DH, I read a really good book. His reply was, "QRSTUVWXYZ?"

AH! Thanks!
skinny jeans.JPG
Re license plates, I am always reading them as they pass by, trying to derive messages from or at least a smile. Most significant of the non vanity plates, might be those that contain my birthdate, 425, or my initials…I have quite a collection of my own found license plate photos.
On long road trips, DH and I have a game we play with license plates. The letters of the plate are the first letters of words. Come up with a sentence. Example:


"Doesn't Look Possible."
"Doctors Love Patients."
"Damn Lazy People!"
"Dumb Legends Persist."

The sillier, the better. It's good for a laugh and passes the time.

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