Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

Not an entry as it is not a great photograph, but I wanted to share because it was interesting! This is a foxglove that popped up in my front yard, but it has a pelorism mutation. It causes a large “terminal” flower at the top of the stalk, preventing it from growing new buds or getting very tall, but it sure looked pretty neat! I saved the seeds but haven’t replanted, I’m not sure if the next generation will share this mutation.View attachment 3800041
Beautiful! I love the spots inside it.
You already have strawberries? So unfair! Mine are just starting to bloom.
Not entries, just sharing!


“Nijinsky” dahlia


Pansies (I'm pretty sure)

Tulip with spider friend
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Not entries, just sharing!

View attachment 3800536

“Nijinsky” dahlia
View attachment 3800537

View attachment 3800539

Pansies (I'm pretty sure)
View attachment 3800549

Tulip with spider friend
View attachment 3800550
Beautiful, thanks for sharing, Welchie!
My friend grew these and gifted me a bouquet 💐 I'm assuming it's fine to enter cut flowers?
View attachment 3800631
Yup, that's fine! Lovely bouquet.
Georgia’s funky weather I guess. they have kinda taken over our garden, ever where we tried to get rid of them they continued to grow, now there are some strawberry plants in very strange places.
We started with twenty or so little wimpy plants, and now they've completely taken over the 10' x 15' bed where they live! They're quite resilient.
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"Black Tie" formal double camellia. I love camellias, and have a few, even in my tiny yard.
So gorgeous! A happy hue! Each petal, this is so awesome, I'd like to frame this to enjoy it daily. I love this color, too, hints of deep salmon, pink, orange & red, just thinking what color paints to get this right as a painting. ❤️

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