Cackle Hatchery Rare Turkey Special


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2015
So there's an endless feed about the Cackle Hatchery Surprise (which I understand, because we're chicken addicts after all) but I've been eyeing up their rare turkey poult assortment too. I have a pair of heritage bronzes and I adore them, but I'm back and forth on whether I should buy more. I have processed a turkey before but I can't imagine hurting either of mine. On the other hand I'd love to have more, and could probably bring myself to process some toms at least.

They say you can get all of one kind or an assortment. Has anyone gotten one of these? Alternatively, can anyone talk some sense into me? Turkeys eat so much more than my other feather-kids, but I could probably sell a few to my more local-food-minded friends... obviously I'm just trying to justify my obsession.
Uh...Brightpennies...your asking the wrong group of folks to talk you out of the Surprise Box! We all think turkeys are the best things in feathers!!:lol: I think you should order it, then post pictures & we'll help you figure out what you have! Go for it!!
Uh...Brightpennies...your asking the wrong group of folks to talk you out of the Surprise Box! We all think turkeys are the best things in feathers!!
I think you should order it, then post pictures & we'll help you figure out what you have! Go for it!!

My family will probably think I'm nuts, given that I'm getting more waterfowl, too, and that the Hatchery Surprise is so tempting... "Hey, so I got about 100 more birds. That's normal, right?? No problem?"
If I do I'll definitely post pictures! At least with the turkeys there are only a few to choose from so they'll be easier to identify.
So there's an endless feed about the Cackle Hatchery Surprise (which I understand, because we're chicken addicts after all) but I've been eyeing up their rare turkey poult assortment too. I have a pair of heritage bronzes and I adore them, but I'm back and forth on whether I should buy more. I have processed a turkey before but I can't imagine hurting either of mine. On the other hand I'd love to have more, and could probably bring myself to process some toms at least.

They say you can get all of one kind or an assortment. Has anyone gotten one of these? Alternatively, can anyone talk some sense into me? Turkeys eat so much more than my other feather-kids, but I could probably sell a few to my more local-food-minded friends... obviously I'm just trying to justify my obsession.

Because I free range my turkeys, they actually eat less bought food through the summer months than my chickens eat.

Be careful listening to @memphis She is a known "enabler".
I range all my birds, which is great in the summer. This time of year they're pigs and and happy to stomp on everyone to get to the food. My poor white Cochin had a big muddy turkey-footprint on her back for days. I house them separately but everyone ranges together and they get along delightfully. Evidently the turkeys I have are blackhead resistant -- I bought them after the rest of their flock succumbed. I'd be a little worried that new birds might be susceptible, but since they're on range now and will be able to move around, I don't think it would be an issue.

I'll watch my back with @memphis ... I don't need encouragement! I'm weak against anything with feathers.
Try porters rare heritage turkeys! Every beautiful turkeys there!

Ooh, that looks cool, and they have a special right now on hatchery choice poults, $5 apiece. I might do that in the future, but I already ordered the mixed heritage box from Cackle. I guess I'll see how I feel about raising these little ones, and maybe next year I'll get some from Porter's. I don't think I could manage 30+ poults this year on top of all the things I'm already getting. (Although really, what's 15 more?)

Have you ordered from them? I'd like to compare what you can get from different places, including hardiness of poults, etc. Porter's obviously has much more variety, including those beautiful Sweetgrass, but since I'm new to poults I don't think I'd want to start with the more expensive ones...

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