cackle order count down only nine more days until ship day


15 Years
Jul 3, 2008
been waiting paitently since feb.27th. i picked april 1st for a shipping date. just in case your wondering why its taking so long for my chicks to get here . i figured with the weather up here in maine better to be safe then sorry and wait till april. i ordered 10 white wyandotte, 15 cinnamon queen, 6 delaware, all pullets and one of the delawares is a cockrel. my brother ordered the wyanndottes, and 10 of the queens , im getting 5 queens and all of the delawares.
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I ordered Mid Feb and got my Cackle order the first week of March. 5 Rhode Island Red, 5 Gold Laced Polish, and 5 White Silkies. Shipped to Rhode Island which I guess is a little warmer than Maine. They only sent me one extra bird, a white Silkie. Unfortunately I lost one Silkie early on after a couple of days but the rest of the birds are all doing well. Those RIR grow so fast! Good luck with your bird, I'm sure you'll be happy with Cackle.
nine more days

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