Cackle Surprise Chicks are 3 weeks old, but what are they? Pic HEAVY!

1, 11. buff Brahma
2. gold laced Polish
3, 14. I keep wanting to say silver Leghorn but the leg color is wrong. Maybe silver Phoenix?
4, 10, 12. light Brahma
5, 22, 24, 26 buff Cochin
6, 13, 17, 19, 21 silver laced Wyandotte
7, 16 buff Orpington
8, 15, 23, 25 speckled Sussex
9. Australorp
18. production Red or New Hampshire
20. silver spangled Hamburg
1. what kind of comb does it have. cochin
2. That is a gold laced Polish...
3. Phoenix (silver)
4. you know
5. Buff cochin
6. slw
7. buff orpington
8. Speckled Sussex
9. You know
10. you know
11. what kind of comb does it have? cochin
12. you know
13. slw
14. Phoenix (golden)
15. Speckled Sussex maybe
16. Buff Orpington
17. slw
18. N.H.R. or P.R.
19. slw know
21. slw
22. buff cochin
23. welsummer
24. cochin
25. welsummer
Awesome, thank you guys

I still have to do some Flock thinning, so this helps me decide, now I just have to wait for sex to become apparent, as these are straight run.
I agree that 23 and 25 are both welsummers, I have a chick that looks like that now.

The slow feathering ones might be Buff Brahma roos. The BB chicks start out dark and lighten up.

The Brahmas and Cochins look like they're feathering slowly - in other words, don't be surprised if a lot of them are roos. In the heavier breeds, the girls typically feather out more quickly. My 1.5 wk-old Dark Brahma pullet has almost as long/as many wing feathers as your Brahmas and Cochins.

Since there are usually more boys left over and you got straight run...I hope it wasn't straight run of what was left!

Have fun seeing if they turn out to be what we guessed! I'd love to se an update when they're a few weeks older...
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Thank you
I would love some welsummers! I have heard these packages usually average 50/50 for sex, but I do expect quite a few males, as I know there are more left over. I only plan to keep 10-12 anyway, so lets hope I get that many Hens, And I would be happy to have a Light Brahma Roo!

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