Cake in a jar Recipes *Post #8 *new link read


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
I bougtht a Apple Cake in a Jar at the Farmers Market and it was yummy. The lady said you could store it for six months but the recipe I found on the internet said two weeks in the fridge. Does anyone know if there is another recipe that stores six months or was she mistaken.

I thought it was great for the six month thing but the two weeks I am not so sure about.
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I made a bunch for Christmas gifts after finding the recipe and was told it would keep for six months. Wrong!! says to keep in fridge no more than a week!! I got rid of all of mine and wouldn't advise anyone to purchase from anyone they don't personally know. Sorry, but why risk it?? It is too bad as these were wonderful little gifts and they tasted wonderful...if only for a week.
Thanks, you found the same recipe I did and even though it was yummy, I can enough that I had a little nagging doubt about the length of time it could be stored. OMG I wonder how old the one we ate for lunch was? Thankfully I only bought one and didn't make a bunch from the recipe she was going to bring on Saturday.
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We have lax laws on selling homemade products her in MN. Now it makes me wonder how smart that is. While most of the items being sold at the market I am familar with, jam, jellies, pickles, sauces this could be dangerous.
Honestly, I won't ever buy anything homemade from anyone unless I know them personally. I always have reservations due to the fact I have no idea how clean the area was that the item was made or if the person even washed their hands. Even worse, if they tested the food along the way. Nope! I never buy homemade goods unless I know the person.
Found the link to information on cake in a jar. I had another recipe pop up and even though some people have stored them up to six months is the risk really worth it?

At the bottom of the page are comments and one has a link to the food safety bulletin that I was trying to post:

I don't know what I am doing wrong. I hope this one works.
This is the season to do all these fun homemade things but I wouldn't do this one I don't think.
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