Calcium coated egg followed with soft shelled egg

First figure out if anything has changed in your coupe, any little change even ones you don't think matter can stress birds out...

Did you change feed? Are you using a decent feed, and does she have sufficient calcium available? Sufficient water at all times? Other birds stressing her? Rooster stressing her? Did you rearrange anything?

Most of the above can change production levels more than egg quality but it could still be factoring in...

Then go to environmental things like temp, high temps in the 90°F plus range can and will mess up egg formation, this is probably the number one reason...

Or at the end of they day, you might just have a hen who's body isn't a good egg maker... They might grow out of it or they might not...
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The temps here are in the high 90s, so maybe that's it. No changes, although I did have to buy a different food brand from TSC this last time. She's the only one laying these hunky eggs. Hopefully things change for her once the temps cool a bit.

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