Calcium/magnesium ok

I have used it, and have not had any obvious issues from it, so if your hen needs calcium and that is all you have, then I would use it.
I'm interested to hear what other people think.
Calcium citrate +D is the prefered supplement. It's better absorbed. Calcium carbonate is also OK (that's what Tums are), just not absorbed as well. Magnesium can compete with calcium for absorption, so may be somewhat less effective for this purpose, but I'm not sure if it would make a big difference. If you are in an emergency situation and that is what you have, I'd use it. Magnesium can also affect phosporus long term and impact shell quality, so I wouldn't use it long term. The trace minerals are all important and there is loads of literature on it if you want to get in the weeds, but most of them can cause problems in the wrong amounts. :hmm
Calcium citrate +D is the prefered supplement. It's better absorbed. Calcium carbonate is also OK (that's what Tums are), just not absorbed as well. Magnesium can compete with calcium for absorption, so may be somewhat less effective for this purpose, but I'm not sure if it would make a big difference. If you are in an emergency situation and that is what you have, I'd use it. Magnesium can also affect phosporus long term and impact shell quality, so I wouldn't use it long term. The trace minerals are all important and there is loads of literature on it if you want to get in the weeds, but most of them can cause problems in the wrong amounts. :hmm
Thank you! I've got her in an Epsom salt bath and just gave her the cal/mag and will get the cal citrate tomorrow. She's handling her bath quite well
Thank you! I've got her in an Epsom salt bath and just gave her the cal/mag and will get the cal citrate tomorrow. She's handling her bath quite well
Can you feel an egg stuck or are you guessing?

Remember giving a chicken a bath can be extremely stressful and can make matters worse if you are unsure that she for sure has stuck egg.
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Can you feel an egg stuck or are you guessing?

Remember giving a chicken a bath can be extremely stressful and can make matters worse if you are unsure that she foresure has stuck egg.
I'm really guessing. I just can't think what else could be wrong. She's standing hunched, but eating and drinking ok. Had a hard time getting back into the coop and I put her on the roost, but she was wobbly
I'm really guessing. I just can't think what else could be wrong. She's standing hunched, but eating and drinking ok. Had a hard time getting back into the coop and I put her on the roost, but she was wobbly
She had a lot of poo on her bottom that I cleaned off.

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