Calibrating hygrometer***HELP***


16 Years
Feb 4, 2008
Archie, MO
OK so I calibrated my hygrometer last night and was wondering if it is normal to read 9% off??? It reads 66% after 12 hours... Here's how I did it. Please let me know if I did it correctly. I got a large ziplock baggy and placed a bowl of salt water 1/2c salt 1/4c water in the bowl and put the hygrometer in the bag beside the bowl and sealed it up. 12 hours later it reads 66%... Did I do it right? That seems a lot to be off..... Thanks
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You did it right. Mine was only off by 4, but I've read other's posts where theirs have been off by as much as 15. It's not at all uncommon and is the reason why it's so important to take the time to calibrate. Happy hatching!
I've seen it both ways and did it both ways with the same results so I don't think it really matters.

Well alrighty then...I guess it does, cause I've not had any trouble.

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