Call duck egg taking over a month to hatch?? Please help!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 19, 2013
I have a call duck egg that my duck laid, I put it into my incubator on March 26, and today, April 29 it still has not hatched yet. I see it wiggling around in the incubator, and I do know that my temps have been a little low, around 99 for the whole incubation period. My question is do I candle the egg to see if it's internally pipped? Or should I do as I have been and leave it alone? I've been able to gently roll the egg around in the incubator and I don't see any cracks on the outside of the egg. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
It's really better not to move it or anything after day 25. It's been a few days since you posted. Hope the little fellow made it.
No he didn't make it, but I have four little ducklings that have hatched within the last day! I'm sad for the one egg, but on the other hand, losing one out of five is a good outcome.
I have an interesting experience can anyone help .my son was kayaking and happened on a nest of goose eggs the mother ran off the nest and knocked the egg down a little slope and into the water where he rescued it and brought it home to mom . Being unprepared with lights and or bator I decided if it were to service it needed incubating so I was my only solution I popped the egg into my bra and have been trading off with my daughters so we weren't tied to the egg all the time . It has made it so far it has been pecking at the egg and sometes pretty hard so we thought it most be relatively older egg please telle what to look for to know how old the egg is and is my temp 98.6 good enough I have no idea if I'm doing anything right except that little goose is a fighter and rather active at times.

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