call duck eggs in bator... plus 10 CD eggs under a hen... wish me luck

Cool, thanks, I'll try that, too.

She's a good broody. She just hatched out 3 chicks in January. It would have been more, but the other hens kept laying more eggs under her.
This time I plan to put her in a cage or in the duck coop (in the nest boxes, so the ducks wont bother her). But I wanted to wait a week or so until she is determined to sit those eggs, if I move her now, she may just get mad and abandon them.

Well, the hen abandoned the eggs.
I'm not sure if they just weren't developing right, or if they felt too weird for her, but she got off them and went to sit on chicken eggs

I won't try the broody hen thing for duck eggs again - too wasteful.

The first batch I put into the bator (3 eggs) need to be stopped turning on thursday - it looks like one is developing still, the other two look like they may have quit, but I'll put them in anyway. I have 4 more to hatch the following week, so the ducky (if it hatches) can hang with the chicks until the others hatch (if they hatch) a week later.


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