Call Duck suddenly fell while flying

How awful about your black call drake! I'm so sorry to hear that. Honestly when ours land they tumble and roll half the time and it scares me.

Thank you for praying! I wish it were easier to know what to do in these situations.
Thank you. Luckily for me, I was able to hatch out a lot of ducklings from him after his passing.

Yes mine too. Seems like someone is always taking a tumble.

Of course! I do too! Hoping for the best possible outcome. ❤️
I would just make a wild guess here that maybe something startled it?
They are just goofy sometimes and crash land.
I'd just keep an eye on it for any more symptoms indicating something is off..
I wondered this, too, as she has a very nervous temperament and is scared of everything.

Thank you! I'm relieved about her improvements so far. More worried about something I could be missing and don't want her to take a turn for the worse.
Just an update that she's tucked in for the night (and I will check her a few times). She has eaten a little. We put her in a small, wide, shallow tub with warm water and she enjoyed floating around in it eating floating bits of her food. She called for us whenever someone left her sight. She was able to preen and stretch her neck out to do so. Definitely tired/subdued overall, though.

Calling the vet in the morning when they open—hopefully we can get her in (although I'm also hoping she'll be improved tomorrow). Obviously there could be something else going on, but I'm wondering/thinking some of the symptoms today might be shock.
@Miss Lydia @FunnyfarmMidwest Thankfully she didn't seem to worsen overnight. As far as I can tell she's about the same? Still fluffed up with her head tucked in (but does stretch out to eat, drink, preen). She vocalizes just fine, but still tired/subdued. My daughter has been cuddling her on her lap this morning and the duck has slept quite a bit. She seems to want to be "contained" or swaddled in some way. When my daughter set her back in the box after a while she stretched her legs and ate and drank some more.

The vet can't see her until Wednesday, so I guess it's watch, wait and reassess as necessary for now.

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