Call Duck


7 Years
May 22, 2012
Hi my name is sue we keep a few rare breeds chickens and three Orpington bantams; and we have two call ducks.
we did have three but four days ago our little silver hen started to limp then next day was walking much better so we thought she had knocked it up, then she went down hill again i could not see anything wrong with her foot or leg and there was no heat coming from it,but she did jolt when i touched the very top of her leg but she would stand on it? i carried her to the pool twice a day which she seemed to love, then yesterday morning she was not looking to good i dug a few worms and she eat them ok , when i put her on the pool she was not attempting to swim about so i put her back into her house, next morning we found her dead was very up setting we kept her mates penned off from her her but they could see each other she was only three years old has any one seen this before they are all looked after and fed well
Aww, that's so sad. Sorry for your loss. Perhaps there was some kind of infection related to her injury, and you couldn't see it. It may have been internal.

Really there's no way to tell what truly went wrong, unless you send the body to have a necropsy done.

So sorry and RIP to your little duck,
Hi Chic mom
She went down so quick the day before she was eating corn layers worms, and looking quite alert she could put weight on it but kept laying down and to one side so she was hurting at the top of her leg we was about to take her to the vets but they not much good on chickens or ducks, ok with our Birman cats and dogs!
Hello call duck lovers! I need some help, I have a call duck hen that I let hatch some ducklings, and she hatched 4. They are about 2 weeks old now and two are growing great, and 2 are still very tiny literally half the size of the other two. I have them separate and they have plenty of food, water, grass, etc. I am not sure what to do as they are clearly not growing. Any ideas? Has anyone else had this problem. I had a suggestion of probiotics so I have been sprinkling that on their food the last few days. Why is this happening? Please any suggestions/knowledge is much appreciated. THANKS!
They could be runts. I know the 2 call ducks i had bought are undersizzed comepared to the others that they where raised with. If they are eating, pooping and doing what they should, I wouldnt worry so much. It could just be delayed. Could they have diffrent daddys then the other 2?

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