Call ducks


Apr 5, 2023
ive currently got 2 call duck eggs in the incubator on day 4 and only one egg has got veins and is developing, what shall I do? shall I add in another egg today or will that be a problem on lockdown day for the current egg. what would you guys do?
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I would give them until day 7-10 before candling again. Some just take longer to start developing. I am currently in lockdown with 9 eggs- and there was at least 3 that didnt show development when i candled around day 3/4 but then when i rechecked around day 8 had veins in them.

Not sure on adding one at this point- i've added one 2 days behind others, but never 4... hopefully someone with more experience can answer that for you.
Hi I would wait till day 7 with call duck eggs I have a really strong torch and I can see development on day 1
Do you have a strong torch you could use to candle
Also could you post a pic of the one you are worried about
Do you have another incubator or maybe a friend has one that you could use??
Is your incubator automatic?
Do you have a broody hen or duck that you could put the second batch under while the first batch hatch and then when the second batch would be going into lock down (day 23) put them back into the incubator
If you go to this site it will tell you how to make a duck broody it would be the same principlefor chicken
last year I put 18 call eggs in the incubator and got one had to buy her some friends so do keep in mind that you may get a loner and have to get friends or you may not get any
Good luck
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