Calling all Pot Belly Pig owners- Castrating question


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Northern Wisconsin
I have been trying to find 2 female PB's for awhile now for our Hobby farm, I was able to find a 4 month old male PB. I am wondering do males become aggressive as older? If the pig was castrated would it be more calmer? I would be willing to pay for it to be castrated to give it a forever home but I would much rather wait it out to find 2 females if a male is going to become aggressive towards children castrated or not.

Also if it is castrated will it be able to live with a female or another male PB, I really want to find a companion for it since it will be a outside animal not a inside one.

Also any suggestions or pictures of your shelter for your PB's would be great.

A male, if castrated, will make a good pet and if he is not already agressive and you continue to work with him to keep manners/respect, there is no reason why he would not make an excellent pet and safe around kids, etc. You most DEFINITELY would want to have him fixed though as if not he could become agressive and will smell__and from what I have read,for pets, sows should be spayed to assist them with not getting moody.

We got a pot belly cross at the age of 6 months and got him neutered and he has remained docile and gentle and is an excellent pet.
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A neutered male will have a better temperment than an unaltered female. Like does depend on the animal.
I have a really old neutered male here and he is a sweetheart. When my girls get into it he just heads in the opposite direction.
You do have to let the pigs know that you won't put up with any sign of aggression. It could start off as a bark type sound when you are taking too long to get their food. Or they might (males or females....fixed or not) bite at your shoe or pants cuff. These are signs of aggression and if you don't scold them and then make them wait for food it could get worse.
They say if you let a young dog get away with a growl that it could lead to a bite. Same applies to pigs.
I have had Louie, the altered male, with unaltered males and females and an altered female. He always takes off if it looks like there might be trouble.
My worse tempered potbellied is an altered female. She was spoiled really bad before she came here and needs to be reminded every once in a while that she isn't in OZ
A neutered male is a MUCH better pet.. but even neutered they can still become sort of agressive/bossy...
plus have you ever smelled a un-fixed male??
Good god... no way i'd keep one around... its baaaad

Now my female is un-fixed and shes fine... but i have others say that they can be sassy if un-fixed. I havent seen that with my girl though...(knock on
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I know this thread is old, but a quick Google search led me here, and since I'm already a member because I too, have chickens, I figured I'd pose my question here in this familiar thread.

I just purchased/adopted a 1 year old micro male pig who had just been castrated/neutered 2 days ago. He's still quite "randy" if you know what I mean, and even tried his luck with my boxer. I know it can take some time for the residual testosterone to decrease the humping, so I'm willing to be patient. He too, is quite obsessed with my feet, and I've also noticed he'll emit a rather musky smell when seemingly aroused. I'm hoping this too, will subside after the effects of his neutering will occur. If not.... I'm not so sure I can keep him. He is terribly cute, and obviously smart. I did a bunch of research, but did get him from a local lady who may have been overwhelmed herself.

He's very small, even at a year old, and could fit through the slats of my picket fence! So, I am taking the risk he'll stay under 40lbs, but we'll have to see. I don't mind his size, but this humpy/musky deal has me worried.

Thanks for your help!

It takes several weeks for the testerone to get out of the system. It doesn't happen overnight.

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